Chapter 1: Dad

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Chapter 1: Dad.

*beep* *beep* My phone goes off again, so i sit up in my uncomfortable hospital bed and lean over to the wooden side table. As i reach for my phone i get the pain in my side again. I quickly grab so i don't feel the ache anymore. I check the message and of course its from Jacko. He's like my brother from another mother. Anyway so this is what it said: Heyy bby, tried to come c u, but you weren't aloud visitors. Stupid nurses. Will come and c u tomoz. Get better xx

I hope so too, that I get better.

I wake up in the morning by the sound of Jacko's voice singing some unknown song. My eyes flutter open and i see him head banging and playing his "air guitar". I giggle to myself and he looks over at me. "Hello Beautiful, 'bout time you woke up to. I was about to eat your breakfast. Mmmm hospital food" He's says with a sarcastic tone, but i know he would eat my breakfast anyway. I sit up straight so he can come over for a hug. As i reach up to hug him back i groan with pain. He immediately lets go. "Does it still hurt Ive?" he asks me worriedly. I nod because it hurts to talk. He moves his chair closer to mine and gives me an earphone. And we just sit there not saying a word, listening to hardcore heavy metal. But it's actually peaceful.

Jacko and I are like two peas in a pod. We've know each other since I was 13 and he was 14, we've been best friends ever since. We do everything and anything together. And ever since i ended up in hospital, i feel like there is a bit more than friendship going on. When he hugs me, he holds me closer. When he talks to me, it's almost like he's talking with love, not with humour like he usually does. He never calls me sis anymore and he is very protective of me. He never used to be that protective. I don't know what's gotten into him, but I hope it doesnt ruin anything between us cause i love him. But just as a friend. We both know that we would never end up like "inlove" we can't, he's just little jacko and im just little lvy. There's no way we can end up... like that. Is there?

The next morning he came in again, but i was already awake when he came. I had been crying earlier so my eyes and face was all red. He had a backpack with him when he walked in the door and as soon as i looked at him i started crying again, he dropped his backpack and ran to me. He sat on the side of my bed and started stroking my hair like he used to do after all my break-ups. Telling me that i deserved better and that it was his loss. But this was different. Way different. Usually i would try and hold the tears back, but not this time. This time i could feel every drop fall out of my eyes and roll down my cheek. He looked into my blood-shott eyes and said just this "everything will be alright" and somehow, I believed him.

I woke up in the middle of the night and i saw a strange figure on the chair. Who was that? What was that? I started freaking out and screaming. As soon as i did that the nurses came running in and turned on the light. I see my dad sitting in the chair, still fast asleep. I breath a sigh of relief and slide back down under the srcatchy sheets. My dad had always been able to sleep through anything, but the question was. What is he doing here? i hadn't seen him in months, ever since... well anyway, i dont feel that safe with him here so i pull the blankets over my head like it will somehow make me safer. But at least i feel safer.

The next morning i wake up, but as soon as i opened my eyes it all came flooding back. The night before. I quickly close my eyes because i don't want to see my father again. But he sees me anyway and says "Baby girl!! Your awake! I'm so glad. We have so much to catch up on, I havent seen you in months... " He stops mid-sentence because I interrupt him "What are you doing here?" i say coldly "Well I came to see you baby girl!" he replies "Don't call me that" i hated it so much, i wish he wasnt here. I wish he never came here in the first place. "Look i know i havent seen you in a while and i know i havent been there for you, but im here now right? How about you come and forgive you big daddy" I looked at me in the eyes and said. I couldn't even look at him. He makes me sick, just showing up here like nothing ever happened. He tries and tries to start a conversation but i look out the window the whole time. But no matter how hard i wish, he still stays there.

I spend the whole day just staring out the window, waiting for someone to come and save me. Preferably Jacko, but he told me he probably couldn't make it in today which is weird cause he comes in everyday. Maybe Jacko is in on this whole "dad" thing. I can't believe he would do this to me! Oh my god, I'm gonna kill him! He knows what happened with my dad, he knows everything. So why would he do this?

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