Chapter 5: Chad

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Chapter 5: Chad

What is he doing!? my mind screams. Jackie just looks at me and smiles. Why is his smile so attractive. I mean, ew why is he smiling at me. I can't let myself think like this, I just can't let myself be pulled in by him. he is my best friend. If we were together and broke up it would absolutely ruin everything. Its so much different kissing him than I thought it would be. But I can't let this happen. No not now, not when I'm crippled.

"What the flaming hell do you think your doing??"

I look around, because it wasn't me that said this. Then I see Chad.

UGH, can this day get more awkward?

Apparently it could. Then, none other than my wonderful father walks in (note sarcasam).

"Woah, what's going on here?" dad asks.

"This nit wit just kissed Ivy!" Chad yells in anger. Yeah, Chad and I we have a past. We used to go out until the night it happened. He hasn't even made the effort to come and see me for the month I have been in here so I assumed we were over. Until now.

"I don't really understand why that is your problem?" my father says.

"Ivy happens to be my girlfriend." Chad says.

okay so I guess we not over. yet.

"oh." my father just says. Oh!

nobody says anything for a good minutes, but that feels like 5 hours.

So I was the one to speak next.

"Chad, you haven't come to see me in a month. If that's what you call a boyfriend then I have some news for you. It's not. It is not being what a boyfriend should be." I started off calmly until I saw Jacko and my dad walk out of the room. "You didn't call, you didn't text. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, SERIOUSLY. YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME AND DONT COME AND SEE ME IN THE HOSPITAL FOR A MONTH! A MONTH CHAD!" I was in tears now. He walked over to me with a guilty look on his face. "You told me you loved me" I looked him straight in the eye as I said this. "I thought you loved me." I whispered just loud enough for Chad to hear.

"I did ivy and I still do." he replied

"No, no you don't. If you loved me you would have texted, called, come to visit me." I said shaking me head at him.

"I'm here now aren't I?" That was his reply. After a month of not seeing me that was his reply.

"A month too late Chad. I'm sorry but I'm out. I'm done. Please get out now." I said bravely. I knew it from the moment he stepped in this room that it was going to happen. But when I said it and saw his face drop, I felt sad and lonley. And bad.

He leaned forward kissed me on the forehead and left.

1 man dealt with, two to go.

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