Part 3: Thalico

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"Hey, Nico," grumbled Thalia. I instantly started worrying, what if something bad happened, though I can't think of anything bad that might happen to Thalia, I mean she's immortal ... WAIT, hold up, she lost her glow thingy and where's the tiara? Oh, gods...

"No, she didn't," I said and waited for her to reply but all I got was a nod. My left brain started feeling sorry for her but my right brain started 'WOOPING" cause well, I guess you know the reason.

"You know what, I gotta a thing that will lift your spirits up," I said smiling and as much as I hated to say this but,"let's go the MALL!" I finished getting a few strange looks from mostly everyone. "Is this what you would call a date?" asked Thalia cautiously. Yes, I said in my head. "No," I said out loud.

"Well, then, let's go," she said and and walked off.


When we were walking towards the mall - and fighting monsters - I always walked behind her looking at how her hair bounced and how long it got since the first time we met - not a stalker.

Now, I'm 16 and she looks 16 which is fine with me and just to make it better I'm slightly few inches taller than her. She still walked with agility and grace almost like she was floating. Boy, do I hope that Artemis doesn't take her back... WAIT! Why was she kicked out anyway?

"Hey, Thalia? Probably a bad time to ask, but why were you kicked out?" I asked nervously. I expected her to slash out her daggers and chop me to little cubes but she just sighed.

"Well, one of the hunters, Cecelia, she fell in love and she well, kissed the guy so Artemis supposedly saw and she was about to kick her out but Cece was new so I got out instead and actually I had a crush on this boy and I don't think he likes me. He already has enough girls after him," she said shaking her head at the last part and smiling a sad smile.

Well, to be honest, I was...what do you call it? heartbroken... BIG TIME. I gulped and tried a smile. "Well, the guy is very lucky to have you like him," I managed out. She looked at me and once again shook her head, "Nah, I doubt it,"

We came in front of the glass doors and pushed in.

It's probably been 3 hours and we were having the time of our miserable demigod lives. Except a few small monsters we had a great time.

Flashback 1

"Ew, Nico, why are you going in there," asked Thalia making a face but I just ignored her and walked towards Victoria's Secret. When I was about to enter I turned around and wiggled my eyebrows. "Come on, Thals, I need To buy new underwear," I said and she laughed and walked in and we just had plain fun.

Flashback 1 end

Flashback 2

"Go, go, go," urged Thalia and pushed me towards a group of girls. I rolled my eyes and approached them but before I was too close to them I checked my cloths and made sure my hair was ok and I reached them. "Hey, ladies," I said in a 90's movie man voice, "would you like to kiss my abs?" I asked and raised my eyebrows and raised my shirt revealing my abs.

The girls squealed. Wow, they were the mortal version of the Aphrodite cabin. One of them had guts and walked towards me but before she could even lay a hand on me I started singing. "DON'T YOU WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS HOT.LIKE.ME, DON'T YOU?!" I screamed and ran away leaving the girls gaping in shock.

Flashback 2 end

Flashback 3

Thalia's Pov 

Me and Nico walked into the elevator. I was still kinda in shock after seeing Nico's abs, when he revealed it I almost squealed. I started fuming when that dumb girl started walking towards him and before I could zap her Nico started singing and ran back to me laughing his butt off. 

The elevator was packed. 

And now, the show begins: 

Nico: Hello, I think you ALL know why I gathered you here... 

Nico: Our Uncle. Curly Bob has died...AND the elevator dinged and the people quickly poured out creeped out of their minds.

Flashback 3 end

Nico's Pov 

Now we were sitting on a bench and staring at the sunset. Then the question came tumbling out of my stupid mouth. "Who's the guy that you have a crush on?" I suddenly asked. Stupid, stupid, I screamed inside my head mentally hitting my forehead.

Thalia just smiled and looked at me, "Why do you care, Death Breath?" she asked holding back a laugh. "No reason," I quickly said.

"You," I heard a small whisper and I suddenly registered what was going on - I guess Demeter's cereal DID help - "Oh! Oh. Oh...." I stumbled. Thalia looked at me with dead eyes. "I knew it, I was so stupid, why did I ever think you would like me?" she said wearily.

I chuckled. "Thals, in fact you ARE stupid! It's like you never saw!" I laughed out. She gave me a weak glare and sighed. "Well," sigh "today was fun" sigh and she started walking away. I stood up and grabbed her wrist. "Where the Hades do you think YOU'RE going!?" I asked a smile tugging on my lips. "I'm not gonna let the love of my life slip away," I added.

And she instantly brightened up. Her lighting blue eyes, well, zapping, and her lips a sweet smile.

She gave me a BIG bear hug and, I, of course hugged back. We...just standing there like idiots, hugging, and I loved every moment of it...

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