Chapter 25

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Liam walks in and we all take in a deep breath. Niall sits beside Eleanor weakly smiles at me .

Liam walks up to me standing in front of me and I Stand up and Harry follows

" your pregnant" Liam says with anger as his jaw clenches. I nod looking down.

" it wasn't in any of my intentions Liam.. I didn't want to" Harry says in a serious voice

I widen my eyes and so do the rest of the guys. Eleanor tries to walk to me but Louis holds her back looking at Liam

" Liam I didn't even want to sleep with her" Harry continues in a serious voice and I widen my eyes even more backing away from him

All the guys eyes widen and anger builds in zayn and Louis face looking over at Harry.

" are you fucking serious?!" I scream at Harry who licks his lips looking back at Liam.

" I know" Liam sighs rubbing his forehead.. I walk close to them

" can't you be proud of me just for once in your life " I say looking up at Liam trying not to cry at what Harry just said

" proud of you? Alex I haven't been proud of you for being my sister! How do you think about my best friend and my sister together? And she's pregnant!" He screams loudly causing me to fall back and all the guys soon around Liam

" it disgusts me.. You and the thing growing inside you.. Which isnt going to be born" he says with anger

" I didn't think that either" Harry says agreeing with Liam. He was literally on my side two fucking minutes ago!

" if you think my baby disgusts you , or you! you better be 100 fucking percent sure your not going be in their life. I don't want you or any of your family in our life especially you styles!!" I scream pushing his shoulder running out of the house.

"Alex!" I hear Harry's voice but I kept running until I was far from the house. I can't believe they would do something like this.


Harrys pov

It's been an hour since Alex left and I'm going out of my mind. I don't know why I said that and I don't know why I said anything in the first place

" this is all you're fucking fault!" I scream at Liam who looks up at me with widened eyes

" my fault?" He chuckles Getting up and zayn gets up trying to stop him. I've had enough of Liams shit.

" that's right. Why do you fucking care if we had sex?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows

" she's my sister and she's pregnant with maybe you're child!" He screams and Louis gets up standing next to me

" yeah good thing she is" I spit back

" all she's good at is being a fuck up" Liam spat and that made me clench my jaw

" that's not all Liam" I smirk and look over at zayn who's shaking his head at me.

" she's good in bed too, you know. When I fuck her and she starts grabbing my hair and moa-" before I could finish Liam pushes zayn past him and flew on me repeatedly punching my face

I try prying him off but he doesn't move.  I kick my foot up and pushed him off me and punched him in the jaw as zayn and Niall went to hold Liam down.

" you don't ever fucking say that ever again styles!" Liam yells holding onto his bleeding mouth.

" Harry shut up" Louis whispers sitting me down. I don't know what's wrong wit me. I'm scared for Alex. I'm scared to be a dad. I'm scared of everything

" for all I know is she may be dead !" I scream out getting up. Liam glares at me and grabs his keys going out with zayn to look for her.

" where is she Louis" I whisper running a hand through my hair shaking my head at my stupid self.

" I don't Harry. I don't know. But you are a stupid bastard how could you think of saying that?" Louis almost yells at me and I groan.

Alex's pov

I walk around with dried tears on my face. I walk down the cold dark road. I've got many texts and calls from everyone but I don't answer any of them. No one even cares at this point

Harrys a fucking liar and I should've known. What goes on with him one minute he's talking about loving this baby and then the next he leaves me like I'm shit to him.

I walk down a neighbor hood and saw three guys sitting and having fun in their garage. I wish life was as simple as this.

A few seconds later one of those guys walk up to Me... Jai?

" Alex what're you going out here it's not good for you're condition .." He says softly as his twin I'm guessing yells at a green eyes man.

" beau it's my Fifa!" He yells and I shake my head. I slowly tell jai everything that happened and I'm nearly in tears.

" here " he whispers handing me a white pill and I slowly take it.


A few hours later jai really made me happy and laugh with him beau and Luke. Their maniacs but they have eachothers backs when they need it.

" come on love you need to go home and text me when anything happens okay?" Jai whispers as we pull up to the house and I slowly nod. It's nearly 2 am and I don't know what to do.

" bye" he whispers softly and I walk to the door step taking a deep breath. They probably don't even care.

I open the door scared and Harry almost falls on top me of. He was opening the door to go out.

I get a good look at his face and he has blood red shot eyes. Dried tears on his cheeks, his hair is a mess. He scans me and closes his eyes Almost as if he's thanking God.

He grabs me and hugs me like he's never seen me before. He quietly cries on my shoulder and squeezes me close to him.

" Alex I thought you killed you're self" he cries out making me want to cry to. Here we are standing on the door step and I'm trying my best not to cry anymore but I can't

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