Chap 5

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The clock read midnight, I still haven't slept a wink. I need to walk, no matter how many sheep I count, all I can think about is her soft pink hair swishing, her porcelain skin slipping through my fingertips. Memories just kept replaying, never letting me forget what happened. I could have done something if I was closer, if I moved sooner, I could have done something. I flung my covers back and begin to pass the room.

I felt the white wall starting to close in. My breath had sped up and I was soon hyperventilating. I need to get out but I'm not allowed to leave this place. I need to walk but I had to stay in the house. I needed fresh air but I had to breathe the stale air that hasn't left the house in a week. Without a second thought I walked to the window and flung it open, closing my eyes and sticking my head out, bad idea.

Behind my closed eyelids, a movie played on repeat. Her tiny body slipped through the thin air, filled with grace and grief.

I pull my head back through, letting my eyes shoot open, and then close them again. I rub my eyes till colors were splattered across the dark. But I still saw pink flashing through the colors. My eyes stay closed as my hands reach forward till they find the cold windowsill. My feet move on their own accord lifting themselves up till I was standing up right, slightly hanging out the window. The wind rustles through my hair, nipping through my Greenday t-shirt, at my chest. My shorts weren't doing much to keep my legs warm and I knew this was a bad idea. But I couldn't stay in my room any longer, so with one last blink of my eyes, to see her light pink hair contrasting with the dark abyss, I let my body fall from the window. I pushed my feet away from the windowsill and my body was in free fall for just a second.

First thought that came to my head: That didn't hurt as much as I was expecting.

Second thought that came to my head: I forgot I was on the first story.

With the little pride I have left, I stand up and brush myself off. I walk along the side of my house, keeping my head facing the ground. Wishing I had brought my hooded jacket, I avoid streetlamps and busy roads; I let my feet lead me. Never lifting my head, I made random turns. Soon I'm not walking on road, soft grass squished under my feet. The dew, from the rain that must have come down well I was talking to Officer Marquee, squeak as my feet moved across it.

I know I shouldn't be out right now, but my mind was so jumbled; thoughts were bouncing back and forth. I need to walk to straighten them out, or at least get them out of my head well walking then put them back in one at a time, handling them as I went. I don't want to talk about what happened to the officers because telling them means telling them her whole story. Her story wasn't mine to tell. She can tell them when she wakes up and choose what to add and what to keep to herself.

Soon I am standing in front of a building that had to be at least five stories high. My eyes follow along the first story, multiple windows but no light. I walk to the closest window to look in and try to figure out what the building was. When I look in I see a sterile white room, with a TV on one side of the room and a door to what I'm guessing was a bathroom. There were two beds in the room; the one closest to me was vacant. There was a small bedside dresser on the side of both beds, opposite of each other and a curtain, pulled back, lumped in between the beds. Looking closely, I could see a figure lying limp in the farther bed; a monitor next to them, jumping at a slow but even rate. I turn to walk away, when something caught my; something that sent my memories wild, multiple videos repeating all at once. All I can do is stand frozen, halfway through turning around, and stare at one thing that sparks a bit of hope. My hands work before my mind can even start, acting on instinct, they pushed against the window. Surprisingly it swings open with little noise and I easily climb through it. I walk to my hope and reach for it, I want to hold on tight to the only hope I have. My fingers gently brush it, who knew my hope would be pink.


Hello guys! long time now talk.

Sorry I haven't posted in like two months, I've been all over the united states and this is the first time I got a chance to sit down and do something!

At the top is Dwight's house!

I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think about the story and characters so far!

As always..




Love you all


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