Chap 6

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(Lisa's POV)


All I saw was darkness.

I could hear but I couldn't see anything but black and a small light in the distance. I tried to move towards it but I couldn't. I was frozen in darkness, and I don't know how I got here. The last thing I remember was standing on the bridge with someone calling me. Then I did the one thing I promised myself I would never do.

I heard my mom talking to me, the tears being held back and her voice catching every once in a while. Silent sobs rendering my mom speechless, although my mom has never been speechless. I know I hurt her as she takes a deep breath to calm herself down. I heard her mumble something about the room being too stuffy and walk away. I heard a lock unlatch and a whoosh, that I'm guessing was her opening a window.

She spent the day in my room just talking to me, like we use to spend weekends doing in middle school. She would make me decaf tea and coffee for herself, then we would sit in my bed all day just talking. I would tell her about all the drama an average middle school kid goes through, that seemed so big at the time. Looking back on it, none of it was important. I don't care that Cindy dated Logan, or that Taylor called Cindy a bitch for dating Logan even though she liked him first. My mom would listen like she was having the exact same problems and she understood how massive it was. She would sip on her black coffee and add a gasp or two when something overly dramatic happened. She would tell me little problems at her work, the crazy people she would deal with. She worked the desks at a small bank, and people were insane when it came to money. My mom would tell me about the people that would come in trying to convince her someone had taken money out of their account. I didn't understand why someone would lie about it, and how she could deal with them.

Eventually, a nurse came and told her she had to leave. Everything about the conversation was reluctant, the nurse was reluctant to make my mom leave, and my mom was reluctant to leave.

After she left, the nurse poked and prodded at me for a few minutes; mumbling numbers and symptoms. I heard her shuffle around the room, scratching on a piece of paper. She sat next to me and gently took my hand, her breath came out in soft puffs.

"Sweetie, I know you don't want to wake up, you're probably too tired. I'm sure you don't even want to just be unconscious," the nurse lets out a breathy laugh, "but someone out there needs you right now. We want to lock the man up who did this to you. There isn't enough evidence to put him behinds bars, so he's only on house arrest right now. All we need is your statement saying he attacked you, please wake up."

What? He never attacked me, whoever he is. No one attacked me, no one tried to hurt me, let alone kill me. Where did they get the idea someone tried to kill me.

I felt the nurse stand and walk across the room, I heard her shut the window and walk out the door. I wanted to scream at her to let the poor guy go, he never tried to kill me. But I couldn't no matter how hard I tried.

Here is the next chapter!
The girl at the top is the closest I can find to Lisa. That's makeup guru InTheFRow Victoria
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