Chap 2

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I waited for anything for I don't know how long. I stared at the puke stain by my feet, thinking of different scenarios. A man going down for his brothers mistake, a wife beaten by her husband, a daughter told her parents were in a car accident. The scenarios were never ending. I think I could go mentally insane in this room. The walls feel like they are closing in, the pipes continue to squeak and make other mysterious noise; all in all it was a perfect place for a horror movie.

I jump as the door slams against the puke colored wall, surely leaving an ugly mark. In waltzes Officer Pallel, an off putting smile sitting above his crumb filled beard. He looked like a three year old boy who threw a tantrum and got his way. He began a slow pace back and forth in front of the table, his smile only growing bigger with each step.

"So Mr. Georgeson" He began, and I clear my throat at the name. "Sorry Dwight, you think you have us right now, don't you? Don't say anything and we won't get any sufficient evidence, very smart move. Do you think you're a step ahead of us? You're lucky we don't have enough information to arrest you right here."

He had taken deliberate steps towards me, till he was right in front of me. My face remained neutral as I felt his fast ragged breath touch my nose in between words. After his quick speech he had takes a step back, his eyes shifting over my face.

"So what you're saying is I'm free to go, right?" I said, enjoying his annoyance. To my surprise he simply let out a breathy laugh, that off putting smile back on his face.

"See that's where you are wrong, you see Dr. Santez isn't just any doctor. Oh no, she's a psychologist who knew what was wrong the moment you had looked in that mirror behind you." He states "We may not have enough information to put you in jail we do have enough of a psychoanalyst to put you on house arrest. You are a threat, a deadbeat emotionless threat. We will be getting our evidence in a month's time."

"And if you don't?" I ask out of pure curiosity, although I think he heard defiance.

"You go to the psychward" He told me. "A man will come in to explain everything else and take you to your house."

With that he walks out, triumph evident in his posture. He walks through the door as if he had just won a million bucks rather than telling me, I was mentally unstable. He walks out as if he was the next lottery winner rather than telling me, I'm a 'deadbeat emotionless threat'.

A timid knock on the door brought me back; I turn to meet eyes with a man only a few years older than me. He looks to be about twenty-seven, with thick black hair sat in a buzz cut that was growing out. He has brown eyes that sparkled, and is pale in comparison to the dark lighting. He tries to look confident and in power, holding his head high and strides wide as he moves across the room, but you can see his hands twitching. He was nervous and most likely new.

"Hi, I'm Officer Marquee, I'm here to brief you on what will happen and take you home." He states, I shrug and nod my head to the chair across from me. He goes and sits down, kind of funny how he listens to me.

"Ok so house arrest is pretty simple, typically. It is usually a punishment that can be ordered by a court which requires convicted or accused criminals to remain in their house for a period of time determined by the judge. Mostly, the person is monitored electronically, and is permitted to leave the house only for purposes of work, community service, or medical attention."

He sounds like he has said it a million times before, like a speech he had to memorize during fifth grade about the revolutionary war. His head moving in a way that screamed bored and mocking, like he couldn't care less about what he was saying.

"So basically you guys are going to monitor my every move, and I can't leave my house?" I ask. annoyance clear in my voice.

"Actually, there is a reason why I said typically..." He trailed off, "You are a special case. I don't know why but Officer Pallel was very specific that we aren't allowed to let you out of our sight. So, instead of a bracelet, you'll have me with you almost twenty four hours a day seven days a week. My friend, Officer Tate, will be spending four hours from four am to eight am with you so I can sleep."

I felt my eyebrows furrow, I knew I pissed the other officer off a little, but I didn't realize just how mad he was. I have a feeling he will do anything, and I mean anything, to put me in jail. He would probably risk losing his job to see me get put behind bars.

"He hates me, doesn't he?" I question a dark chuckle falling from my lips and Officer Marquee nods his head. "Good."

I felt a small smirk come across my face, I knew even though he would try to find any evidence to lock me up he wouldn't find any. I knew this with everything in my body, from the bottom of my heart, or whatever they say. I knew that he wouldn't find evidence of a murder, because there was no murder.


So i get impatient and realized no one was going to favorite this book so I'm updating anyways... here is chapter two! the picture is Officer Pallel, there really isn't anything else to say.

So yea






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