Chapter 4

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A/N: I am so very absolutely sorry it has been so long since I last updated! I have no real excuse for the long while to update except that I just finished my first year in college (yay me!), I've been job hunting (yuck), and most importantly (pertaining to this story), I've been having the worst case of writer's block ever. So, here's my best shot! If you've got any ideas, let me know!

Chapter 4:

It was late by the time Richard was done filming, and Toby was napping in my lap, and I was slowly dozing off in Richard's make-up trailer. I jumped when Richard and his make-up artist opened the door. Toby snorted in his sleep before falling into a deeper sleep.

Richard smiled softly at us before taking a seat in his chair to allow his artist to begin taking off the layers of prosthetics, "I got picked up this morning, so we can take that car you drove here in."

I nodded sleepily, "Okay. Do you wanna drive? Or-"

He chuckled and shook his head, "I'll drive, my love. You look more exhausted then I, and I was the one running all day."

I smirked tiredly, "You also weren't keeping up with our son all day though."

"That's true." He whispered as Toby shifted in my lap and wrapped his little arms around my neck. He looked at us lovingly, "I love you both so much."

I smiled as the artist peeled off his fake face, "We love you very much as well, baby."

"Daddy?" Toby said tiredly from my lap.

"Mm, son?" Richard replied as the prosthetics were taken away and all that was left was the make up around his eyes.

"Can we go back to our pretend home now? I'm tired."

Richard chuckled as his artist left and he stood up in the undershirt and boxers that he wore under his costume, "Very soon, son. I just need to get dressed."

Toby nodded sleepily before falling back asleep in my arms. I grinned up at my husband as he started to pull on his jeans, "You did a good job today."

He smiled softly and kissed me before reaching for his shirt, "Thank you. Tomorrow we're going to be filming outside the studio, so I suggest you and our son stay in town. I don't want you being run ragged like the rest of us, plus I honestly don't think there will be room."

I nodded in understanding, "Alrighty. I'll do that souvenir shopping I've been putting off since we got here."

He chuckled as he picked up his satchel messenger bag and led me out of the trailer, "Sounds like a plan. Here, let me take our son."

I handed off our two year old to his father, "Thank you. My arms are killing me."

He nodded with a grin, "Understandable. Listen, if I gave you my list of souvenirs for my mum, dad, and Chris and his family could you get those too? I do not think I'll have time to get them this time 'round."

"I can do that." I replied as I opened the back door of the car for Richard to put our son in his car seat.

"Awesome." He said under his breath as he buckled the sleeping toddler in.

He then opened the passenger door for me to get in, "Thank you, love."

He grinned and pecked me on the lips and replied, "Of course, my lady."

Once he was in the driver's seat and we were on the road, I looked over at him. I chuckled when I saw some left over plastic from his prosthetics. Reaching over, I started to peel it off, "Goodness...that stuff gets everywhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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