Step 3: Setting your Goal

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Step 3: Setting Your Goal.

To lose weight you must first know how much weight you want to or need to lose. Check this BMI chart (from EatingWell) to figure out what your weight should be at your height and age:


After you have done that, you now know what goal weight you want to achieve.

Make sure you set an achievable and realistic weight goal.

Instead of tracking your weight by using only a scale, take measurements of your body (waist, hips, arms, things, legs) and record them. The reason behind this is that scales are inaccurate as to whether you have gained fat or not. If you drank too much water or ate too many fibers, the scale will show an increase in weight which in fact is not fat but only temporary mass that you will lose once you use the loo.

Find out how many calories your body needs per day and subtract at first 500 calories from that. Or less if you find it too hard (then gradually increase it).

You can find out how many calories your body needs per day by multiplying your weight (in pounds) by 12.

Now that you found out how much your body needs, you can subtract 500 calories from that and consume that much.

Lets say you weigh 110 pounds, that means your body needs approximately 1320 calories per day.

By subtracting 500 calories from that, you will get 820 calories, which is what you need to consume.

How can you keep track of what you consume?

Answer: Food Journal

Yes, it's stupid, I know. But, research shows that people who keep track of what they eat tend to be more successful in their weight loss plan than people who don't.

It's simple, every time you pop something into your mouth, go write it in your Food Journal whether it be in your Diary, phone, or even on a paper in your pants pocket.

At the end of the day, check out how many calories you have eaten by downloading one of the many apps that help you do that ( One of them being 'Calorie Counter).

That way, you can make sure you are not subconsciously consuming more calories than you think.

Now that you have set a goal, and got yourself a Food Journal, you are ready for the next step, Substitution.

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