The First Week.

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Waking up without my alarm next to me was weird. But, there was something else weird about my awakening... someone else was in my bed? I jump out and scramble to my feet, half expecting Sam or Jonah to be in my bed. But, this body was a lot smaller... Who was it? I stumble out of my room, bumping into Alcy. 

"Woah! Careful there." He breathes out.

"You must really enjoy bumping into me." I smirk, and shove him out of the way. 

"Say... Who's the little kid in my bed?" I ask, grabbing him into my room.

He picks up tehe blanket, looks inside, sighs, and pops his head back out.

"That, would be Ben." 

"Ben? Who's Ben?" I question, thinking that everyone in the house was over seven years old.

"He's five, and he loves sleeping in this room. We didn't tell him that you had moved in, so that's probably why he came in. I suggest locking your doors at night." He responds, heading back to the door to leave.

"Wait!" I shout, without even thinking.

"What?" He asks, his hand slowly turning the door knob.

"Can you help me re-arrange furniture and put up some stuff?" I question, using my hand as an indicator that I needed some help.

"Oh. Yeah, sure." He responds, closing the door and locking it.


We spent the next hour or two moving every single piece of furniture in the room. Now, the bed was by the window, the nightstand was by the bookshelf, and the bookshelf was across from my vanity and dresser. 

In that short amount of time, I had grown pretty close to Alcy and I really enjoyed his company. We had some laughs, and I think out of this whole new family I'm with, he's going to be the one I like the most. We had a lot of the same interests too, which I thought was really weird since we both come from two completely different families. 

It was finally around three in the afternoon when I had decided to have lunch. Alcy and I went downstairs to discover that no one else was home. There were multiple notes from each boy and parent saying where they were and that apparently no one else would be home until about eight or nine tonight. Alcy and I ordered some pizzas, and then went back up to my room. We had put on the recordings of American Dad, but kept it half muted so we could keep talking.

"What's your middle name?" I ask, reaching for my water bottle.

"You're going to make fun of me..." He says, his face turning red.

"I promise I won't!" I say, anxious to learn.

"It's Rose..." He mumbles, looking down at my bed.

"Alcy Rose Brown... I like that!" I say, giving him a huge grin.

"Really? Everyone else hates it..." He responds.

"Well, I love it." I say, whispering.

Our eyes meet, and he starts to lean in. Just as his lips are hovering not even an inch away from mine, my door swings open and Jonah walks in.


Alcy jumps off my bed, and runs his hand through his hair. 

"I was just leaving." He mumbles, pushing Jonah out of the doorway.

Jonah looks at me, shuts my door, and comes closer.

"Now you see, he can't have you." Jonah says, climbing on my bed.

"W-why not?" I stutter.

"Because you're mine."


Woohoo! Another chapter! 

I just realized how much I actually love writing this... Do you guys like it?

I know it's not the best but it's the first story I've ever written and I'm only four-teen.... So i get to make mistakes!

Who thinks it should be





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