Win or Lose

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Taking a beep breath you turned the handle to your new classroom, as soon as you walked in the class fell into silence. Blushing like mad you quickly walked over to a empty seat "hey that must be the new girl" you heard a guy with short brown hair say to a girl with short black hair. The teacher soon walked into the room "HELLO CLASS WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT TODAY, I SEE YOU OVER THERE WHY DON'T YOU TELL US YOUR NAME AND A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF" boomed the teacher. You stood up from your seat "Ummm H-Hi I'm (full name) and I'm a black belt in Karate" You quietly said feeling your face heat up even more "WATCH OUT WE HAVE A BLACK BELT IN THE CLASS HAHA NICE TO MEET YOU MISS (LAST NAME) MY NAME IS MISS ZOE, RIGHT LET'S SEE WHO IS HERE SHALL WE". When everyone's names had been called out you all had to pair up with someone, you looked round the room to see who was available. The only person left was you and a short, black hair guy "oh no it Levi" you said in your head when you saw who you had to pair up with. Getting up you walked over and sat down next to him "what you doing here loser??" Levi coldly asked you "I moved down here and I came second"

"you lost against me which makes you a loser"

"OK" you sighed in defeat and got out your books. Miss Zoe let you out 5 minutes early as you were heading out Eren and his friends walked up to you "hey what was it like being paired up with Levi??" he asked you. You looked at him "umm?"

"you see he's never really talks to anyone and his a bit mean"

"Well to answer your question it not fun working with him"

"haha hey do you want us to show you round the school??" Eren said to you "If that OK it would help a lot" you happily replayed. Mikasa walked next to you "so your a black belt" she whispered to you "I don't act like one do I but I am" you giggled "Mikasa and I are almost a black belt" Eren said patting Mikasa on the back. During lunch Marco and Jean joined you and your new friends "hey (name) right" Jean said sitting down, you nodded to him "I over heard Levi calling you a loser, do you know him??" you suddenly started to choked on you sandwich. Armin patted you on the back "are you all right" drinking some of your water you smiled to him "I'm fine thank you and yes I know Levi " everyone looked at you. You started to blush again "I had to fight him a couple of times at some tournaments and I always lose to him" you said looking at the grass "So Levi's a black belt to??" Eren said to himself. After lunch you went to your next class luckily your new friends had the same lesson as you. Five minutes after the lesson started Levi walked in "your late again Levi, go sit over there" the teacher said pointing at the empty seat next to you. Levi slowly made his way over and sat on the chair "great I have to sit next to the loser again" he whispers to you. Ignoring him you went back to writing in your book. The lesson was quit boring and you started to doodle on the back page of your book "why do I always draw better when I'm in class?" you asked yourself after finishing off your doodle. When you got home after your fist day of school, your mum happily greeted you at the front door "How was your first day at your new school (name)?"

"It was really good thanks I've already made some new friends"

"I'm glad you did, Hey (name) guess what I found when I was look around town?"


"Oh haha I found a Karate club you could join. I went in and told them that you were a new black belt and they said they happy to take you on, the first lesson is next week at 6"

"really mum thanks for doing that" you said with excitement. You looked at the clock and thought you could also explore your new home town as well. After telling your mum where you were going you headed out the door. Not going far you made sure to remember the shops you past and the turns you did eventually you came to a large field which had a big playground in the middle of it. There was some swings, a hamster wheel, a zip wire, a sand pit and a tree house, next to the playground was a basket ball court and a out door fitness stuff. Some people were playing football in the filed and the ball came rolling towards you "hey pass it over (name)" shouted someone, you turned your head to the person shouting at you and saw it was Eren. Kicking the ball you ran over to him "hey" you huffed "I'm guessing your having a look around the town??" Armin said to you after you sat down next to him, you nodded your head at him. You soon joined in the game Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha V Eren, Armin, Mikasa and you, it was a fun game because your team won.

A few weeks had flown by and you always end up sitting next to Levi in most of your lessons, you also found out that Mikasa and Eren goes to the same club as you. You was in your science lesson with Miss Zoe and was paired up with Levi again it didn't help that you had to do a experiment together. After watching Miss Zoe do the experiment and getting all the stuff you looked over to Levi and said "well do you want to pour the liquid or do you want to time the experiment?" Levi glared at you "what ever you want to do I don't really care"

"fine I'll pour then, here's the stop watch and don't forget to right down the time"

"I'm not that stupid loser"

"this is really not the time to be bring that thing up again"

"well are you going to argue with me or are you going to pour?" Levi said in a annoyed tone. During the experiment Levi said out of the blue "you know your never going to improve if you go to that stupid club" you just finished pouring a liquid into the tube and frowned at him "did you start the watch?"


"I heard what you said by the way but now is not really the time Levi why don't you talk to me at break"

"whatever forget it"

"you can't say something and expect me to forget it" you giggled "the liquid has gone by the way" Levi wrote the time in his book and stay quite throughout the rest of the lesson. As everyone started to leave for break you caught up with Levi in the hall way "hey what did you mean by what you said earlier??"

"it's nothing so leave me alone"

"hey that's not fair, please Levi you wouldn't of said anything if it was nothing"

"Here's a question what have you learnt from that club that you didn't already know?? write it down and find out for yourself. Now leave me alone loser" Levi said and went a different direction to you. For the rest of your break you sat in the library and thought of all the thing you learnt at your new club, by the end of it your paper stayed blank "most of the time I've been helping Eren and Mikasa" you sighed to yourself.

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