My maid

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You looked at the huge, old mansion in front of you, walking up to the big, oval, wooden doors and knocked on it. The door was opened by a girl with brunette hair that was tied in a ponytail, she was wearing glasses "hi I'm here for the maid job" you sweetly said, the lady gave you a cheeky grin. She opened the door wider "Nice to meet you the name's Hange" she happily said letting you in "(full name) nice to meet you Hange " you nervously said. You followed Hange wonderful  upstairs and alone a hallway until you came to another door, Hange knocked on it "what do you want" said a voice from behind the door. Hange opened the door and popped her head throw the gap "the new maid arrived" you heard her say, then she grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the room. You bowed down imminently "i-i-it's nice to meet you sir the names (Full name)" you stutter, "get up, Hange get her an outfit, she going to work for me for a mouth" the guy said. Looking up you saw a young man with raven black, oddly cut hair sitting on a comfy looking leather chair. His face was emotionless as he looked at his paper work, Hange got hold of you again "haha OK lets go" she giggled. She dragged you out the room and to  a small door "this is your room, the clothes will be in the drawers, I'm going to get the others" she happily said pushing you into the room. 

Hange slammed the door, you could hear her humming to herself as she headed down the hall. Sighing you walked over to the set of drawers "I wonder what that man meant when he said I was going to work for him for a month?" you asked yourself as you got change, after changing you had a proper look at your room "wow this is fancy" the room was beautifully decorated with white and golds. There was a large window in your room that looked over the wonderful garden, the curtain were longer then the window and were white with a gold lining at the bottom. And as for the bed you had a bouncy, soft, wooden, double bed with fluffy pillows. Whilst you were looked round Hange busted into the room "(name) this is the some of us that work here" she boomed, a girl with light ginger hair and amber-coloured eyes  slipped into the room. She gave you a welcoming smile "nice to meet you (name) I'm Petra" she softly said, two men stood behind her "this is Gunther and Eld they are the cooks" Petra said pointing at them. You tipped your head a bit and smiled "It's nice to meet you all" you sweetly said, Hange grinned "hey she's going to be Master Levi's maid for the month" she gigged. Petra face looked worried "I wish you luck (name)" she said and turned away, everyone left apart from Hange "well lets put you straight to work" she joyfully said patting you on the back. 

Your job was to make sure Levi was satisfied at all times, the first week was ok all you did was bring him tea or coffee whenever he needed it. But he was always cold when he ordered you to do things "(name) my tea's cold get me a new one" he would say, you looked at him oddly "I just got you it master Levi" you slowly said. He pushed the tea cup away from him and looked at you "It's cold" he said in a icy cold tone. You did as you was told and came back with another cup of tea "it's to hot" he said after taking a sip from the cup "wait for it to cool down silly" you playfully said. Quickly covering your mouth after you know what you just said "I-I' so s-sorry master Levi I wont do that again" you stutter, Levi just blackly looked at you "great one week and I already messed up" you said to yourself.  Levi huffed throw him nose and want back to look at his paper work, you gave a small sigh of relief. The second week came and you just got sent to bed my Levi after a wash you headed to your room, you noticed light was still shining form under Levi's door "he's up late" you thought to yourself as you walked into your room. During the night you woke up to go to the toilet, covering your shoulder with a small blanket you headed down the hall as you went pass Levi's office you saw the light was still on. Softly knocking on the door you slowly opened it and looked inside, Levi had his head on his desk and was fast asleep, quietly walking in you placed the blanket over Levi and smiled "he's cute when he sleeps" you thought to yourself, you headed back to the door and gently closed it behind you.

In the morning when you entered Levi's office he was wide awake doing paper work, the blanket was neatly folded on the back of his chair. You gave Levi his morning coffee "morning master Levi" you sweetly said pouring the coffee into his cup, he ignored you and picked up the coffee cup. For the rest of the day you had to clean the 359 book in Levi's office again as well as getting Levi his cups of teas. As you wiped dusted off the 245th book you looked out the window and softly sighed "shut it" Levi bitterly said as he placed a letter into an large envelope. You frown "It a nice day, you look like you need some fresh air being in one room for a week don't sound good for you" you pointed out as you put away the 252 book. Levi gave you a cold glance, you gave him a smile back "I think an hour walk in the garden would do no harm" you sweetly said "did I tell you to talk?"  Levi boomed as he stood up. You straighten your face and bow "I-I-I'm sorry M-Master Levi" Levi walked past you "get me some food and bring it outside" he order and headed out the door. That evening Hange franticly knocked on your door "come in" you said, Hange stumbled into the room "HOW DID YOU DO IT?" she yelled shaking you by the shoulders. After Hange stopped you tipped you head to the side "did what?" you asked puzzled "I have work here for two year and I've only see master Levi out the house three times and that was to walk to the car" she happily said. Rubbing the back of your head you said nervously "well it was a nice day and I suggested master Levi should go out for a walk". Hange gave you a creepy smile "you have a magic mouth, you should of seen Oluo's face when he saw Levi in the garden" Hange giggled "he bit his tongue" Petra said from the door, she came over and joined you "Hange and I could not stop laughing all day" she giggled. For the rest of the evening you talked with Hange and Petra and found out a bit more about Levi and everyone that works for him. 

It was the last day of the mouth and you just got dismissed by Levi for the night, Hange was waiting outside the room for you. She grabbed your hand as soon as you stepped out "You did it, Follow me" she squealed as she dragged you downstairs. You got pushed into the grand hall "YOU DID IT" everyone cried when they saw you, looking round you saw everyone was there in the decorated hall. There was a table full of food and drinks, music was loudly playing "wow thank you everyone" you happily shouted over the loud music. Hange handed you a bottle of alcohol "Haha I don't drink that stuff" you giggled "Oh come try it" she pleaded and placed the bottle in your hand. You looked at it and slowly bought the bottle to your lip and took a gulp of alcohol, you pulled a face as the strong liquid slipped down your throat "not my thing" you said and handed the bottle back to Hange. Petra asked you if you wanted a dance so you joined her on the floor  Eld and Gunther and Oluo the gardener, even the stable boy Eren was at the party. The party was fun Hange kept handing you drinks one of them you liked and that was wine it was strong but you really like the taste of it, everyone had a few drink that night. You played some really funny game like blind man's buff were someone was blindfolded and they got span around ten times and they have to find everyone in the room. But because everyone had a lot to drink when Oluo had his turn he fell over straight away and dragged himself alone the floor to find everyone. When Hange span you on your go you wobbled for a bit, you giggled as you felt the area around you slowly walking around you could hear Petra giggling, it was hard as the music was still booming away. Trying to make out where the giggling was coming from you studiedly headed toward where you thought Petra was, suddenly you felt something soft touch your finger tip. Quickly you hugged the person "I got you" you  giggled, the person you caught didn't laugh back, you could fell his folded arm press against your chest. Carefully taking the blindfold off you saw Levi was stand in front of you "Hey Levi you've finally came down to join us" you  chuckled happily grabbing his hands you took him in the middle of the hall. Everyone looked at you in shock as the annoyed Levi stood in the room, you then tried tying the blindfold round his eyes. Levi took it off "what the hell do you think your doing?" he bitterly asked "haha come on Levi don't be such a party pooper, HEY HANGE GET HIM SOMETHING TO DRINK HE NEEDS IT" you yelled to her. Hange skipped to it and gave you a glass of wine "this here will turn that frown upside down" you playfully as you forced the glass in his hand "NOW EREN PICK A GAME!!" you shouted pointing at him.

Eren flinched and looked at you "well there's this game me and my friend played a lot and it called Truth or Dare" he nervously said "I LOVE IT!! RIGHT I DARE YOU TO DRINK THAT BOTTLE IN ONE GO!!" you bellowed. Hange also thought it was a good idea and soon everyone except Levi took their turn to ask each other truth or dare. At first the truth were silly little thing and the dare were easy to do but after a while the truth got personal and the dare's got harder. Even Levi joined in but he only asked question and that it, he said the game kind of help him understand the idiots he employed a bit more. When it was Hange's go she gave you one of her creep grins "I dare you to kiss master Levi" she chuckled, everyone looked at Levi, he  gave you a threatening look. You blushed "I'm not loosening this war" you said and smacked your lips onto Levi's this made him full off his chair, you fell with him, the two of you landed on the floor. Levi pushed you off him "WHAT KIND OF DARE WAS THAT!" he angrily shouted to Hange, everyone were laughing there heads off "I can't believe you did it" Hange howled, you stood up blushing like mad "PETRA I DARE YOU TO KISS OLUO!" you ordered. Petra and Oluo stopped laughing and looked at each other both of them turned red, in the end they kissed. The next day you woke up in a unfamiliar bed you turned over to look around  a bit more and found Levi face next to yours, he was peacefully sleeping. You quickly moved your head back and saw that he was topless "what the hell happened last night?" you asked yourself bushing, you tried thinking back. The last thing you remember was you heading to bed and bumping into Levi "Oh dear did we" you said pulling the covers over your chest once you realised what happened. Then you felt Levi arm wrap round you from under the covers "you've go the job, your a maid during the day, you would be cleaning all the rooms with Petra and Hange but at night your all mine" Levi smirked as he pulled you closer to him. 

WOW is it me or is it getting hot in here >//< anyway I started a new story the chapters are short about 600 word check it out if you want.

Your Truly Little Chibi Monkey ^x^ 

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