Chapter 1 (10th grade)

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Today is my first day at Ponyville High. A great high school full of smart nice kids. Dustin had to tickle me to get up which was enjoyable. We ate breakfast and waited for the bus to come. The bus came and I sat by Dustin.

Dustin kept talking about how the time I had hit my head on the apple tree and like a gazillion apples hit me on my head. It wasn't funny but I did get to hear his cute little country giggle. It made me feel fuzzy inside which was good. As the bus stopped, I started to pull Dustin from off the bus.

We got off of the bus and I started to smile I can't wait for my first day of school. Dustin made me stop and started to giggle. "Are you really that excited to be at school?", he asked me. I blinked for a second then gave a nod as a response.

We walked into the office and got our schedules. My first period was math my favorite subject. "I got math for first period what did you get?", I asked him. He smiled and said, "Spanish is my first." My eyes sparkled. I've been begging him all summer to take Spanish classes I'm so glad.

"Well see ya later Matthews" "Adios Dustin", I said and we went our separate ways.

third point of view_________________________________________________________________

Matthews walked around the school looking for his first period. He looked at his schedule one last time. Room 283. He stopped dead in his tracks and say that he had just past the room. He turned around and walked in the room. Matthews walked in just before the bell rung. "Well good morning Matthews how are you feeling, girly", Matthews looked up quickly and saw that Sunset Clarity Shimmer was standing right before him. He frowned taking a seat not responding to her. All the students stared with great confusion. "Ok, students now that you know who I am lets get started on today's lesson." ------------------2 hours later-------------- Matthews walked out of the classroom seeing that James,Dustin,and Timothy were all waiting on him for gym class. "Come on Matt", James said slyly. Matthews smiled and walked with them. In short 5 minutes they had made it to the boys lockers. Matthews walked into his own private locker that the school had made for him. Matthews took off his clothes and put on his gym clothes. A Blue t-shirt with a white star on it, his black volleyball shorts, and his blue converses. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. He put his long,blue hair in a ponytail and walked out. He could see his two new coaches standing by the doors and oh my goodness.... "Heya Matthews you look nice today", said Mrs. Apple (Applejack) and Mrs. Dash (Rainbow Dash) in unison. Matthews looked up and stared with awe. "Wow, Mrs. Apple why didn't you tell me you were going to work here." Mrs. Apple smiled,"Cause I wanted it to be a surprise." Matthews smiled and walked over to the boys side. "Hey girly come on and play", said one of the boys. "Brendan shut up", Dustin said passing the ball to James. Matthews smiled at Dustin. Oh how he loved it when Dustin took up for him. Matthews grabbed the ball from James who had just passed by him slammed the ball in the goal. All the boys stood in awe not knowing that Matthews was athletic. Matthews smirked,"Not to bad for a girl,eh." All the girls on the other side of court cheered for Matthews. Mrs. Dash and Mrs. Apple stared with awe. After 3 minutes of everyone staring, all the boys(especially James,Timothy,Dustin,Matthews,Connor,and Levi) played hard,the girls cheered, and the coaches stood there still surprised.
----------------After gym---------------
Matthews walked into his private lockers to change for his other classes. Matthews got undress completely jumping in the showers. He ran the hot water feeling it drop on his skin.
Matthews felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Brendan. Matthews tried to escape,but Brendan had already grabbed him and pushed him to the wall of the showers. "So, this is the girly piece of crap that Levi was talkin' 'bout", Brendan said staring in Matthews eyes. Matthews whimpered as Brendan tightened his grip on Matthews's shoulder. "Well I can deal with you", Brendan said punching Matthews in the stomach. Matthews fell to the floor and started to cry. Brendan pulled him back up and held him by his hair. "If you tell a soul 'bout this ya little body's gonna be on a line ya here" Brendan said leaving. Matthews fought with all his might to get up. He turned the water off and got out of the showers. Matthews dried off and put on his uniform. He walked out of the room going on with the rest of his day.
---------After School-----------
Matthews went to the parking lot to see his sister and his mom apparently waiting on him. "Matthews come on get in the car we're going home", Sunset said. Matthews eyes closed and his mouth curled. "Matthews I knew that Applejack was keeping you and Chrissy for so many years I didn't want to come and get you because I was afraid of you not wanting me in your life and I couldn't forgive myself for what happened, I'm so sorry I really wish you could forgive me for my behavior 6 years ago", she apologized with tears falling down her face. Matthews looked unsure he still feels like he cant trust her after all she did call him girly today but she probably was just kidding. "Matthews, she is telling the truth she just wants us to be in her life again please Matt give her another chance",Chrissy plead. Matthews open his eyes with tears pouring out of them. He ran up to her and hugged her tightly,"Oh momma I missed you so much yes I would love to come home,but first I would love to tell Mrs. Apple good bye if that's ok with you." "That's perfectly fine, Matthews, now get in the car we have lots to talk about." The kids jumped in the car with bright smiles and dull tears. Sunset tapped her watch and smirked,"Vincent i got 'em." "Good now hurry and get home the surprise is waiting",the voice said. Sunset tapped the watch and hopped in the car driving it away in the evening sky.

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