Mello comes back

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The next day, everyone again came to the apartment. You sat normal on the couch and swings your legs, eating a bowl of ice cream. L was explaining where he thought the person would hide and all. You got up to put your bowl away and passed your room. "Hey there kid.." You stopped and looked in your room. It was the Mello person Watari warned you about.

"Hey Mello!" You smiled happily. You put your bowl on the counter and ran in your room, shitting the door. "What are you doing here?" He sat on the windowsill and ate a chocolate bar. "Observing...I saw your window was open so I helped myself in." You smiled and walked closer too him. He broke off half of the bar and held it out to you. You took the half and munched happily. "Thank you Mello!" He smirked and hopped into your room. He stood and looked around. "Nice place you know..." He mumbled. You finished the bar and looked up at the blonde. "Yes..?" He asked giving you a weird look. You held out your arms, silently asking to be picked up. He picked you up and held you out in front of him, still giving you the weird look. You giggled as he gave a small smile.

L's P.O.V

Light was disproving and ruling out some of my theories but I couldn't help but wonder where my child was. Watari walked in the room and coughed. We all turned and looked at the worried man. "Master L...I can not fine Mistress Lisa..." I stood up immediately. "L..would you like us to help find her?" Matsuda asked. I nodded and walked around the house searching for her. I checked the bathroom, no. The kitchen, no. "Lisa? You in there?" I heard Light ask. I sped walked over to her room. The door was closed and I heard mumbling in her room. Light knocked again and tried opening the door. " the door please." I asked getting more worried. "I'll see you soon...bye bye!!" I heard he bubbly voice. Something shut and the door unlocked. I picked her up and looked her in the eye.

"Who was that?"


"Lisa who was it?"

"No one.."

"Lisa your lying."

She sighed and looked up at me. "Lisa what's up?" Light bent down to her level. She looked over at him "Well.."

Normal P.O.V

"Someone just dropped by...a friend!" You smiled and looked over at Light. L looked down at you and tilted his head. "What's his name?" "Uh...John." You lied again. He bent down and pinched your nose. "Your nose starts to turn pink when you lie." He commented.

You looked over at Light again. " should tell Ryuzaki the truth.." You looked back over at L. "It was Mello..." You sighed. He glared down at you. "Didn't Watari tell you not to talk to him?!" He raised his voice you stepped back a little. "Y-yes...b-but he just stopped by.." You stuttered. He kept glaring down at you. "Go in your room Lisa. I'll tell you when you can get out." You trudged back in your room, tears brimming in your eyes. L shut your door and you heard it lock from outside.

You laid down on your bed crying. You buryed your face in you pillow and curled up. "Ryu...I'm sorry..." You wiped your eyes and sat up, hearing the window open again. "Man...L can be pretty mean..and making his own daughter cry.." You looked up and saw Mello again in the window. "Would you like me to help you?" He held out his hand and smirked. You stood up and faced him. Will you take his hand..?

I'm sorry for late update >.< but I'm wondering if I should keep L alive or.......yeah I cried when he died ;-; let me know before the next chapter!!

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