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Hi everyone I'm voice typing this part so I can explain things better. I really appreciate all of you that have read this and commented and voted, it means a lot to me. So first I guess I'll explain the ending. When Donnie goes to use his telekinetic powers to bring the trailer back through time kind of like how it happened with the jet engine in the movie, he's standing in the same spot where he almost got hit on his bike and that's where he dies. All the stuff that is happened like him corrupting the security at the bank that was all chain reaction stuff to bring him closer to April to give him a reason to save the world. I also tried to keep in the flooding and the fire so it would still go along with the philosophy of time travel. I'm sorry about the sensitive topics in here like April's mom and what happened between April and Frank but they'll add to the story. I told this through April's point of you the whole time because I've never really been a fan of writing up through someone that ends up dying. I know it sounds weird but that's just how I am. I know it seems like Donnie and April start going together kind of quickly but friendly reminder that in the movie Donnie and Gretchen only knew each other for a day. I wanted to give them at least a little bit of a friendship foundation before having them date. I know you can get to know people through dating but still I just wanted them to know each other a little more. I hope that you guys can take away something from this like lessons or something. Like how people can learn something from the Donnie Darko film. I hope that you guys know that you can have feelings for people no matter how long you've known them because sometimes that happens and that's OK. And you're never alone and I think that shows through April and Dylan in helping their mother through her depression and also with April comforting Donnie. There's going to be second chances in life, make the most of those and don't rule out the possibilities. What I originally learned from Donnie was that not all heroes get recognized, things get better, there's always room for change, and you're actually never alone even if you feel that way. I also want to address April at the party. I didn't mean to make her seem selfish, she's just really upset by her mother's actions. She forgave her before, but now that she had almost lost her the second time (in the tangent universe) she feels betrayed and almost abandoned. I'm also sorry about making Frank such a pig. I wanted to keep April alive so that Donnie could at least try to explain to her what it was all about but I also needed Frank to be killed by Donnie since Donnie was being told by him to do things.
Also another thing that wasn't exactly addressed but was kind of in my mind as an idea was that April almost always had these answers to everything. Not necessarily everything but most things like when your father left she figured he's too stressed out to take care of them. Once she finds out about what's going on in Donnie's head she believes oh well he schizophrenic that's why. It's not that she thinks he's crazy it's just that she knows he can't help it and she knows there's an answer to it. She's very understanding with it and she tried to be supportive and I think I wrote her doing that quite well. But whenever Donnie presents the philosophy of time travel to her it's another answer to this thing that's going on and she's kind of confused and away. It does explain the stuff he's been seeing but the logic kind of messes with her head. It's not that she shallow and doesn't understand it's just that she's always had a set way of believing things and she's always had some kind of answer. By the end of this book Donnie almost ruined that for her and away. By saying he has to save the world, it's very vague but she almost understands in that moment what he's talking about and about the mistakes he's made. And once it's back to the regular universe and were no longer in the tangent universe, April is so lost from having an answer if that wording makes any sense. She's feeling this thing she can't explain she feel sorrow for the death of this boy that she sat by once and had seen quite a few times. She feels a lot of sorrow like she actually knew him and all these other emotions that are running through her don't exactly make sense. I hope that's another lesson for you guys that there's not always answers to everything. I realize a lot of people out there are perfectionists of some sort and they always need things a certain way but sometimes in life that won't happen and that's ok. Sometimes you have to find these answers within yourself but if you can't find the answer to something don't let it be your downfall. Thank you so so much for reading, I appreciate it. Take care my lovely readers! Feel free to message me if you want to chat about Donnie Darko. Love you!

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