Chapter six- The breaking point

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Chapter six


"DOCTOR!" I scream, my anger raising about toxic level.

He's been fulmbing around for hours now, fixing and painting and decorating. All for the monster now eating away at me.

He looks up slightly exasperated by my sudden out burst.

"I've had enough! Enough ok?" I shout, collapsing onto the TARDIS floor. His hands slant out to catch me, but I forcefully smack them away.

"You don't understand do you?" I yell. "That thing. Thing horrible abnormal, colossus piece of hell living inside me is not a baby. Its nothing. Its a trap! All a trap! Ok? That's all it is!"

I start thrashing my fists brutally against my belly, wincing as each hit sends a crashing, fierce pain to scramble inside me.

His eyes widen and he's suddenly behind me grabbing my fists away, locking my bones in place.

"Calm down Harriet!" He softly, gently whispers into the crook of my neck.

Shivers stream down my body and my heart beat abruptly begins to fasten. "Its just your hormones!" He says, running his long, lanky yet delicate fingers through my greasy, messy curls.

I haven't showered for days, instead I've been panicking, screaming and travelling through reality that's began to rapidly transform into the pitt of hell.

"It's not! I'm telling you it's not! This is cruel. Doctor help! You don't understand. You don't understand my motherly instinct..." I began to cry before getting interrupted by the sly, apprehending comment from The Doctor.

"How do you know I've never regenerated into a girl before?" He teases.

With out permission my hand violently lashes out, colliding ferociously with his pale, pristine face.

A look of shock and pain inflicts onto his emotions. And he backs away momentarily.

"Please. You have to understand. This is not a baby. This is a wicked plan set up by The Master." I sob. My face crinkling up in every emotion I've been served these past few days.

The Doctor scrambles to his feet, and climbs over to me. His face bland and pale.

I open my arms welcomingly, hoping for a loving, reassuring hug. But what I receive is beyond my imagining. Beyond anything I thought The Doctor would do.

His hands clench strongly in my hair, pulling me sharply to my feet and spitting horrifying words out at me.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" he yells, hints of spit slithering out his mouth in rage.

"THIS IS OUR BABY! IT HAS TO BE!" He screams loudly, tugging me towards a hard store chamber.

"And I will make sure. Oh, trust me, ill make sure that it stays safe!" He speaks, mostly to himself.

He sweeps my feet beneath me, carrying and rocking me in a cradle.

Then he slightly bumps me onto a hard wooden surface and with a sharp prick of a needle my body slowly becomes paralysed.

The last thing I hear before he leaves in a hushed whisper of a apology.

The Girl Who Fell For The Trap (The Girl Who Never Believed sequel)Where stories live. Discover now