Chapter 6

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It felt like hours since I went unconscious. But I soon found myself waking up.


I slowly opened my eyes to see Kathy sitting on my bed worried.
Kathy:Cristian!You're awake. Thank goodness.
Me:What happened?
Kathy:You don't remember?

Immediately I had the flashback of turning into my dark form and killing James and Gary and then feeling weird and falling to the ground.

Me:Oh that's right. I killed those two robbers and then fell unconscious.
Kathy:Yes that's right. I'll go tell everyone you're up.

Everyone else came into my room relieved that I was ok.I tried to get up but staggered in pain.

Denise:Cristian don't get up just yet. You're not fully recovered yet.
Me:How long will the recovery take?
Denise:I'd say at least two hours. Me:Deni we don't have two hours! We need to go find Omega and Wily now.
Zero:No she's right. You need to recover so that we can work as a team.
Kathy:Let's watch some TV while we wait.

As we were watching TV....

~AN:Play video here. ~

News Reporter:We interrupt this program for a special news report. There have been reports of robots attacking Washington DC.

All of Us:WHAT!?

News Reporter:Witnesses have reported that these robots have been burning down national monuments.The entire capital is in a burning blaze and the mayor has issued a state of emergency.The president has also issued an emergency evacuation. Many have already fled the nation's capital.
The President:This is a national crisis. I am asking that everyone:tourists,citizens, workers and business owners, senators,congressmen,and all government workers are to evacuate the area immediately.
News Reporter:Minutes later the military was deployed but were forced to retreat.
Kathy:Damn.Not even the military could hold them off.
News Reporter:It is not clear who sent this army but one witness reports of seeing the leader of this army.
Witness:It was a robot. And it looked like it had dark crimson red armor and long blonde hair. He also wielded a purple-lish sword.
Me and Zero:Omega!
Me:If Omega is behind this attack,then no doubt Wily sent him.
Ciel:Which means they've arrived here.
Denise:To conquer our world.
News Reporter:The attacks started-

At this point,the news reporter was interrupted and static was shown until a man was on screen.One that Zero and I knew too well.

Wily:Hehehehe,greetings ladies and gentlemen.My name is Dr.Albert Wily.This may seem sudden,but I have decided to take over this world.Now surrender yourselves to serve me or I'll turn all of you into robotic slaves.NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

~AN:Video ends here. ~

The video feed soon cut off and there was no signal. Kathy turned off the TV.

Me:Wily you bastard.We won't let you get away with this.Not while we're here.
Kathy:But shouldn't we formulate a plan?
Me:We should deal with Omega first and then Wily.Zero,do you think you can track Omega's energy?Considering the fact he wields your original armor.
Zero:Yea that's true.Well it's worth a shot.

With enough concentration,Zero found Omega's energy signal.

Zero:I found his location.
Me:Good.Then you can lead the way.

So Zero led us to Omega's location and then our plan would commence.

~AN:Finally a short chapter :) .Well that's the end for Chapter 6.Chapter 7 soon.~

Megaman Zero:A Dimensional JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now