They'll Never Know

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Hush, baby don't cry

Just get through this night

Cause all that you are

Is broken inside.

And they'll never know

They'll never know


Month One:

The stars served as a million tiny white lights in the sky. The shone down upon us, illuminating the dark night.

Robert took off his clothes speedily and I rushed to his side gripping his arms to stop him from going any further. He was in the middle of taking off his pants, shirtless, when I did this. "Robert!" I hissed. "Are you crazy?!" His light blue eyes twinkled with mischief as he looked up at me from where he was hunched.

"A little bit, yeah." He whispered back and I had no idea why we were talking so low considering we were the only ones within miles of this place. He easily escaped the clutches of my tiny hand. Soon, he was naked, the breeze rubbing against his open skin. He shivered, Goosebumps erupting on his skin.

I shook my head and laughed loudly as I once again took a hold of his perfectly sunkissed skin. "Stop it, stupid!"

He smiled crookedly and intertwined our fingers together. He brought up our linked hands and kissed the top of my knuckles. I felt myself laugh again.

"Come on!" He said excitedly. "Take a risk! Have some fun for once in your life, Char." I pressed my lips together in a thin line as my red hair wisped around us with the wind. He looked deeply into my eyes never once letting go of my hand. I sighed bending down and taking off my shoes and ripping my blue sundress from my body.

He smiled eagerly before pulling me along with him to the water. He had already stuck both of his feet in when I said, "God, I can't believe I am doing this." I gulped loudly and looked down at the water uneasily.

He gripped my hand impossibly tight. "I wont let you go, okay?" I smiled close lipped. "I know."

We were waist deep into the water when I asked, "What if there are piranhas or sharks or alligators or" -- he made a face. "Wow, you really didn't pay attention in science didn't you?" I narrowed my eyes and with all the force I could muster pushed him back until he fell into the river, whole body descending under water.

The water splashed me on the face and held my arms out above the water, freezing up. "Oh," I laughed.

When he didn't come up I started to panic. "Rob! Rob!" I gasped turning around frantically in the water. I was so focused on trying to find him that I didn't realize when strong hands grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up. I groaned as he let me slam down into the water. When I finally reached up for air I hit him on the chest.

"You are so stupid!"

"And I love you." He said softly. I ran a hand through his black hair and down his face, his cheeks, the freckles on his tanned skin. He looked up at the night sky winding his arms around my waist. "You see those stars?" He asked as I glanced up at the sky. I hummed in response. "If I could give you a star for every time I have loved you, the night sky would look insignificant."

I chuckled. "You are so corny."

"What you don't believe me? I can say it louder until you do! Tell me when to stop, okay?" He asked opening his mouth real wide. "Rob! What are you doing?" And then he was screaming at the top of his lungs. "I LOVE CHARLOTTE!" I squeaked before placing a hand on top of his mouth trying to muffle his voice to no avail. "I WUFF CHAWRLOTTE!"

"Stop! Stop!" I screamed and I couldn't help but laugh. "Tell me you love me." He said.

"I love you! I love you!"



"Okay, okay," he smiled. "You didn't have to yell."


"Wake up, sleeping beauty. It's time for breakfast." I smiled, my eyes still closed, before sitting up on the bed. He placed the fry up on my lap with a little red rose on a clear thin vase. I laughed. "Oh, Robert, who knew you were so romantic?"

"I try." He scoffed before smiling sweetly. Mid-chew I looked up at his innocent blue eyes. I narrowed my eyes. "What do you want?"

"I wana make love to you right now! I wana make love to you" -- he began singing but I quickly grabbed a pillow and slammed it against his face. Needless to say, he stopped singing. "You are not much of a morning person are you?"

I shrugged scooping up the beans and eating them. "I just get very irritable in the morning. And in the afternoon. And in the night." I slightly manic giggled escaped my lips. "Maybe I'm just irritable."

"You are weird." He pushed my long red hair behind my ear. It was gold and red mixed together, the exact same shades as my mother. I was tall at 5'7 but he was taller at 6 foot. My skin was pale and got red very easily. He was naturally tanned and beautiful and I hit him again upside the head.

"What was that for?"

"For being so damn good-looking."


(Journal Entry One From His Notebook) :

The doctor told me I had six months to live. When I went back home I didn't tell Charlotte. She was sleeping, looking beautiful as always, golden red hair spread out across our pillow. I didn't have the heart to tell her, to see her green/blue eyes fill with tears as she listens. I couldn't bare to hear her sob endlessly days at a time. To see her crumble before me, dying, too.

I had six months to live ... so what do I live for? That's an easy question .. Charlotte. Now, a harder one would be how do you live when you have been dead for so long?

It is like you are falling, knowing that you will hit rock bottom. And there is nothing you could do. You have no say in it but all you can do is prolong the impact. Medicine helps. But it doesn't cure.

And sometimes not even love can save you.


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