A Dark Reveal

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Back at Naboo Obi-Wan and Anakin had time to reacquaint with Master Windu 

Windu: I have to say.....you two really look like crap. 

Obi-Wan: We've had worse my old friend

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Obi-Wan: We've had worse my old friend. 

Anakin: We sensed you were alive but we couldn't find you

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Anakin: We sensed you were alive but we couldn't find you. And then we heard you been chasing Plagueis's activities for some time. 

Windu: I'm more shocked it was you who killed Palpatine

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Windu: I'm more shocked it was you who killed Palpatine. When all this time I thought you were gonna join him. 

Anakin: What? Master why would you think that?

Windu: If you remember back when you told me he was the Sith Lord we been looking for I sensed a great deal of confusion. That's why I wanted out of it cause part of you actually bought his lies. 

Anakin: Yes but.....Master Qui-Gon showed me the truth. He's been reaching and teaching Obi-Wan and me new abilities of the force. Besides.....back before.....you hardly showed me much respect since I was a child. 

Windu: Anakin. The real reason I was hard on you because I was trying to keep you on the right path. Master Yoda told me about your mother. And because of her loss your anger was becoming your downfall to the dark side. I'm sorry you lost her but you have to understand a Jedi shouldn't have these attachments because our enemies can use that against us. And given you were married to Senator Amidala behind our backs that was how the Sith easily played your emotions. 

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