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He sat in the Sandstone Throne as he imagined his father would have done if he were alive. Azumarill stood by his side regally. Ahab was there, seated by his right side in a smaller chair. It felt good to have his mentor and friend so close to him. The other regents of the Slateport jurisdiction had gathered as commanded when they heard the news.

"It was the Draconids," whispered the aging man who was Chief of Petalburg, Kevin Wood. His Slaking had greying hair as it yawned lazily. "I'm sure of it."

"Nonsense," came a younger, more familiar voice. "The Draconids have never dared enter the sea. I say petty pirates." Chris Marsh recognized Jon Granite of Dewford, nine years older than himself. He was the oldest of the students and a polite young man; more taken with histories and the arts during their time together in the First Generation, rather than the art of combat. He's a pretty boy, but he's weak, Chris noted. A rather timid Lairon sat at his feet.

Chris looked over at the sailors who had delivered the news. One was bearing the flag of Her Majesty, the other a banner of a gigantic wale Pokémon. The old man in between the two seemed distraught with sunken eyes. He was wringing his hands in angst.

Poor old bloke, Chris gave a look of pity to Azumarill, who seemed not to care so much.

The hall went silent with the sound of footsteps as his cousin, Hera Love entered the hall accompanied by her Gardevoir. She took the final seat alongside the rest. Chris nodded to her respectfully, but Hera seemed not to notice.

Ahab stood up and clapped his hands together once. Instinctually, all chatter was set aside as all the statesmen and women in the room observed Chris's mentor's authority. "Thank you, Chiefs of the Slateport Realm, for attending this council on such short notice." He looked over at Hera. "Even though some of you were later than others.

"My apologies, Lord Ahab," Chris's cousin said. She bowed her head humbly, yet her Spirit Pokémon never seemed to break eye contact with Ahab. Even growing up, the Psychic Pokémon always seemed to bore into Chris's soul. It still made him uneasy as he sat on the Sandstone Throne.

Chris Marsh stood up out of the chair and began walking between the two rows of seats that lined the hall. Petalburg, Oldale, Littleroot, and Dewford, all of his vassal Chiefs were present. "I'm sure you've heard the rumors," he said. He approached the old sailor. He nodded back to Chris sadly. The young Lord continued, projecting his voice as he attempted to mimic the respect the other Chiefs showed Ahab. "The Empire has suffered a grievous insult. Pacifidlog has been taken."

Chris paused. He half expected the hall to erupt into a panicked frenzy. A little outrage, befuddlement, even shock or at least anger or feelings of vengeance from the other Lords. Not a sound was heard other than the workers coming from outside the wooden hall, still hammering away at the stones that were being erected on the new castle. He looked at Azumarill, and back around the room.

"I know you're all as angered as I, or as saddened as Chief Wake here," he went on. "But I assure you that this was a cowardly act; a surprise assault that won't be tolerated. I've called you together to accept the ships that you are obligated to supply the Navy of Slateport to allow her Majesty's Royal Navy to retake one of her treasured territories."

Again, there was nothing but silence. Chris looked around for support from anyone. Most of the Chiefs didn't know what to say. Jon Granite seemed like he wanted to speak, but Chris knew that the young man was too timid to speak unless he was asked. He looked at his cousin Hera, with a blank look on her face.

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