Chemistry ( A Special Night)

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I'm gonna type the stories a little differently. And they are back in NYC

"The years passed and mona and I had a stronger relationship I raph was 27 and mona was 24 and I had fallen in love with her. And I wanted to show her. That night we went to dinner and I proposed to her and she jumps with joy yelling yes!!!"

I led Mona to the bedroom as I lay her on my cold untouched bed, as I slowly get on top of her stroking her arms lightly and as I press my lips against hers and I slowly slip in my tongue playing with hers as if they were making love of their own. I pull away and gasp for air looking down at her and she whispered to me " Raph.... I love you" I feel her hot sweaty breath on my neck and I lean in to kiss her more. I start kissing her neck and down her arms, I found myself later against her body as sweat drips off my body and onto her body. I laid beside her out of breath and gaze into her eyes and held her close to me never letting her go as I soon drift of to sleep.

Morning arrived and I wake up with her still next to me I smile and still held her close. I see her flutter her eyes open and she gazes at me and pressed her lips against mine as I smile and kiss her back. " Mona I love you so much and I'll never let anything happen to you ever" I kissed her head she smiles at me as she replies " I love you to" we get up leading her out the bedroom and into the kitchen, my brothers looked at me smirking " what?" I shot them a nasty glare as I see Leo begin to speak " someone was busy last night" I blushed looking away going into the cabinet pulling out a bowl and pouring some Captain Crunch into my black bowl I walked to the fridge grabbing the milk and pour it into my bowl and I reach into the drawer pulling out a spoon and begin eating my cereal I sat beside Mona. That afternoon Splinter called us in for training, master was getting older and weaker and me and my brother's grew more worried of his condition, especially Leo and I we take it the hardest. Donnie and April have been dating for a month now and Mikey plays with his internet girlfriend on call of duty. But I mostly worry about my future and what it hold since I am unsure what I want to do but all I knew is that Mona was in my future.

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