Chemistry ( Training)

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(Raphs pov) During the day I saw Mona, Casey, and April walk in and I waved to them. Sensei then came in and said it was time for training. Me and my brothers stood in our positions and Mona, Casey, and April decided to watch. After about a good 30 minutes "yamen" splinter called out and we stood in a line. He went over to where Mona was and he said. "Mona would you like to try it out" I saw her look at him and she said "sure" she stood up and sensei said he would pair us up. "Donatello and Michaelangelo, Raphael and April. And Leonardo and Mona, you may now begin" I watched her carefully at the same time trying to fight April. And Mona was good at it to, I saw Leo flip her into the air but then she grabbed his other katana, did a flip and land. I got distracted and April knocked me off me feet. I glanced over at Mona and Leo and she had won "Yamen" splinter called and Mona handed leo his katana back and we all lined up. Splinter walked up to Mona " You were trained well Mona" I saw her smile. And then sensei walked up to me and said "Raphael next time don't let your surroundings distract you". I nodded "Hai sensei" he dismissed us and April came up to me while the others talked with Mona. April looked at me and said " You like Mona don't you Raph" I looked at her and I stuttered, I don't I have no idea what you are talking about" and I walked away and joined the others.

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