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Perrie's Pov

I have to tell Jade sometime. I haven't got the chance to tell her for a week because I chickened out but over that week, we got closer, I have to admit. I also have to admit I like her. Surprising, huh? Maybe I'll tell her sometime today. I'm going over her houstoday and thank god it's a Saturday. I'm a bit nervous though. I walked downstairs, taking my jacket with me and was about to leave the house until my mom called me. 

"Yes mom?"

"Have you told Jade yet?" She asked. 

"I...think I'm going to tell her today."

She nodded, "I'm proud of you. Good luck sweetie." 

I smiled then walked out the door, taking a bus to Jade's house. I walked up her block, rubbing my hands together and walking up her steps. I pressed the bell and waited for a response. I heard the door opened and smiled at the brown eyed girl. She smiled back at me and gave me a long hug. 

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

And I meant that. Not seeing her for hours, she was truly missed. She allowed me into her home and in her room. As soon as I stepped in, Jade attacked me with a kiss and laid me down on her bed, her hovering over me. I was shocked from the contact but moved my lips with hers. She pulled off my jacket and ran her hands on the skin underneath my shirt. I shuddered at how cool her hands were and switched our positions. I pressed my lips against her neck and she hummed, tilting her head to give me room. Jade then tugged at the hem of my shirt and took it off after me accepting. Then I stopped. 

"Wh-why'd you stop?" 

I got from over her to sitting on the edge of her bed. She sat next to me then placed her hand on mine,squeezing it.

"What's wrong?"

"Jade? There's something I...gotta tell you."

"Alright, go ahead" she said. 

"You probably wouldn't like it though..."

Jade gave me a confused expression and I started the story. Time to time, she'd glare at me, have her eyes filled with sadness or have a confused face on. I was almost done and during that time, she looked like she was going to burst into tears.

"I feel terrible for all this but I really do like you Jade. It's not an act anymore, I really want to be your girlfriend." 

I felt Jade's hand move off mine and was prepared for what would happen next. Next thing I knew, I felt a sting on my cheek. Jade just slapped me. I guess I deserve that. I placed my hand to the cheek she slapped and watched the angry tears fall from her eyes. 

"I can't..fucking believe th-that. You-you played me!"

"I'm really sorry Jade! I wish I could do something to make it l better but what I said was true! I really do like you and-."

She cut me off, "Stop. I don't want to hear your lies anymore. Here's how you can make things better for me: get out. Stay out of my fucking life!"

"Jade, please." 


I flinched but stood from where I was sitting and walked out her door. I turned around and was about to say something until she slammed her door in my face. I pressed my ear to her door and heard her sobs, putting pain to my heart. I'm such an ass. Maybe even worse than that. I walked out of her house, realizing I left my jacket there. Fuck it, I deserve to freeze to death. The lump in my throat has only gotten bigger and it was getting harder for me to breath. Maybe this is my punishment from God. I deserve it. I stopped walking and took a seat on the nearest bench, letting go all the emotions I've let build up inside of me. 

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