May 30, 2004 4:37 pm

9 2 5

I HATE MY FREAKIN LIFE!! I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT. So let me back it up. I have this really big crush on this guy. His name is Zachary. We are like best friends. The sad this is, he has a girlfriend which I despise. I hate her, she hates me. So on Monday, I told my best friend Mya that I liked Zachary. Little did I know that her and Zachary's girlfriend (Jayden) are best friends. Right after I told Mya, she told Jayden. I was so pissed at Mya I was never going to talk to her EVER AGAIN.
The next day I had like a billion notes in my locker saying stuff like ,"Ewww you like Zachary!" , "Do you realize that Zachary is way out of you're league?" and so on. But I decided to get to the bottom of this.  I went to go see Mya, but there she was, KISSING ZACHARY. JAYDENS BOYFRIEND. I couldn't believe what I saw! So knowing me I took out my phone and took a picture for proof to show Jayden that Zachary is cheating on her with her own best friend.
On Tuesday I was sick so I didn't go to school.
But on Wednesday, I found this weird note in my locker. It said, "Delete the picture on your phone.....OR ELSE!" I just thought this was a joke. so I just threw it out not knowing there was more to it. (Maybe I should have kept it)  But that's not the worst part. Here's the worst part.
Jayden came up to me in the middle of lunch and showed me a pic of ME AND ZACARY KISSING. Like Bitch I never did that. I would like to, but I didn't. She said, "Leave my fucking boyfriend alone or I'm showing this to the whole school and you'll be know as a little slut." After that it just all went downhill.

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