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I knocked on Aaliyah's door and Avalon answered it.


"I came to look for you baby and I found you." I stated

"Jack I don't want to talk to you, what he had is over!"

She slammed the door and left me hanging. I knocked again and Aaliyah opened it.

"Jack, look Avalon doesn't want to talk to you and it's best if you just leave her alone." She plainly said

"Please I want to tell her that I left tour just for her. I love my fans but she is my first priority." I said as I roll my eyes.

"Hold on" she answered

"Avalon come here. I know you don't want to talk to Jack but he told me why he came back. It's kinda cute please you guys are such a good couple. You can't break up over some stupid fans that don't support Jack enough to support you too." I hear Aaliyah say as she talks to Avalon.

I see Avalon walking to me. I smile really big and she gives me a half smile back.

"Jack what?" She complained

"I came back for you. I'm not going on tour. I did that to find you. I want to prove my love for you, just because some fans don't approve of you and I and your pregnancy doesn't mean I don't want you in my life . I love you with all my heart, my soul and everything. I don't care what 1 person has to say about us. As long as I love you, isn't that all that matters. Clearly they aren't fans because if I'm happy they should be too but obviously they aren't. Avalon I get hate all the time for the stupidest things and you don't see me getting upset about it. I know it's hard for you, but if you ever feel worthless know that I am here for you. IM YOUR BOYFRIEND FOR GOD SAKE. I FUCKING LOVE YOU AVALON HOLLY JARVIS AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT! IF WHAT I'M TELLING YOU IS NOT ENOUGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS BUT I WOULD LIKE FOR US TO GO BACK GO THE WAY IT WAS LAST WEEK. NO PROBLEMS, NO DRAMA JUST YOU AND I. THAT IS ALL I WANT AVALON!" I yelled. She looks at me blankly. I grabbed her face and kissed her softly. I pull away and she smiles at me.

"That's the smile I like to see" I told her

"Oh shut up!" She says. She lightly slapped my arm and giggled.

"A-Avalon c-c-can we go home?" I asked slowly.

"Jack I'm not sure if I want to." She says

"C'mon Avalon we're having a baby together I need to take care of you." I insisted

"Well... Okay I'll move back in with you Jack. I love you."


Jack came back from tour to look for me, which is kind of weird but it's fine. We're living together again and I couldn't be happier. I'm 2 months pregnant which means I'm not very far along. My bump is that big but it's still noticeable. We still don't know what we're having but we'll find out soon.

I grabbed my stuff from Aaliyah's house and put it into Jack's car. we drove home and got my stuff set up where it used to be. It felt good to be where we used to be.

"Boy, I sure did miss this place. Even though it wasn't much time." He said quietly but I still heard him.

"I did too Jack. I heard you btw." I said while laughing

He smirked at me and kissed my cheek.  I went upstairs into the bedroom and tried looking for some emergency funds I had laying around. I wanted to get Jack something. It wasn't for any occasion, I just want to thank him for dropping everything to try and find me. It was necessary but he still did it. I hear my phone ring and it was my
ex-boyfriend Adrian. I decided not to answer. Adrian and I dated way before I met Jack at Magcon. He always Abused me and hit me with his belt, but me being the stupid one I loved him too much so I never said anything. I'm so over that douche now. I kept getting calls from him so I decided to answer.

( A = Adrian,  Av = Avalon )

Av-Adrian what the fuck do you want?

A-I want you back Avalon!

Av-Adrian look you probably don't know but I have a boyfriend by the way.

A-Leave that fuck boy and date me babe I know you miss me.

Av-Keep dreaming and don't call me babe I'm not yours. I won't leave him and I wouldn't leave him for an ass hole like you. Anyway I can't leave him if I wanted too, which I don't so leave me alone.

A-Why can't you?

Av-Because I'm pregnant with his baby dip shit.

A-I always knew you were a whore hahaha you're a joke.

Av-Fuck off don't mess with me and my family. Go take a long walk off a short pier. Never call me again!!

I through my phone across the room. I guess Jack heard the thump. He came running up and opened the door immediately.


"Nothing, nothing I'm just a little frustrated. My ex-boyfriend called and got me so pissed. I don't walk to talk about it so please let it go Jack." I answered

"I understand. I hope you feel better. I don't want you stressed. We need to keep baby Gilinsky happy." He said while smiling

"Uhh Jack there's something I forgot to tell you. Well um before you came back Dr. Nelson called me and told me we're having..."


"Jack calm yourself. Uh okay we're having... Twins..."

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