27th July 2015- 8:39 am

759 15 12

Lucy gave me this diary for Christmas.  I'm not much of a writer, am I? Before I only went to school until I was 7. Then it happened, and I was homeschooled by my Uncle. When he died, I was determined to get my parent's house back. Even in here I will not mention how I got the money- all I will say is I didn't steal it.

8:47 am

I just re-read that paragraph. I'm a terrible writer! George, go away I know you're looking over my shoulder, I'm not completely stupid! From now on I shall only record the happenings of the day (or in our case, probably more night).


 We entered the house. I shut the door. Lucy closed her beautiful dark eyes and listened. I looked for death glows. There were none. George looked at his thermometer. 

"16 degrees Celsius," he reported.

"Good. Lucy, you got anything?"

"A faint screaming, followed by a blood-curdling squelch."

"And?" I questioned, hoping for more.

"Dead silence, apart from some heavy breathing. Then the sound of a slamming door."

I nodded appreciatively. Lucy and her Talents were precious. I knew how lucky I was to have her by my side. Then we all did something we had never done before. We linked hands, George's pudgy one in my right, Lucy's soft, warm one in my left. I squeezed her hand. And we all walked on.

😋 Hey guys, I'm mrsgeorgecubbins and this is my first story on Wattpad so in the comments, be truthful, but not harsh! I'm really hoping you'll like though (fingers crossed!). Anyway, I promise to try writing more tomorrow! See ya! 💋

The Top Secret Diary of Anthony Lockwood- Keep Out (Especially You George!)Where stories live. Discover now