Aln River

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[A/N]: Edited as of Oct. 17, 2014

Chapter 5

Aln River


I would be lying if I were to say I was expecting this to happen. Lord Josh's purchase was such a great turn of events that I found it extremely hard to believe. Surely he didn't want me. I'm a servant girl. I'm used to being looked down upon. Everything is just so confusing. Aunt Jossie is the only thing keeping my mind grounded while I packed my things to leave, which isn't very much but a few gowns, chemises, trousers, and kirtles; all hand-me-downs from my Aunt Jossie for course.

"My dear! I told you so. Didn't I tell you? And you had your doubts! He's quite a catch isn't he? Quite confident as well. You'd better take great care of yourself." Aunt Jossie exclaims, before embracing me.

I don't know if I'm ready for this. I can't help thinking...I'm not worthy. Why? Why did he do it? Surely he's just looking for another servant. Indeed, that must be it. Well I best be on my way. Don't want to keep my new master waiting.

"I'll miss you Aunt Jossie. You are the only mother I've ever known."

"And I shall miss you, but I know Lord LiQue will take very good care of you so I won't waste my time worrying. I just have this feeling about him that rings of safety."

Before I leave, I remember a question that's been lurking in my thoughts since I was little and found out I was an orphan being raised by my Aunt. "Aunt Jossie," I pause. From my sudden serious tone, I can tell she already knows what I'm about to ask. "How did my parents die?" I stare at her with pleading eyes.

This is a conversation we've never had together, ever. All talk of my parents was always a dark subject. For some reason Aunt Jossie never wanted to answer questions about my parent's death; she'd just change the subject. I'm leaving now and she still hesitates to tell me. But I need to know! I believe I even have a right to know!

"Please Aunt Jossie, just tell me! I'm not a little helpless orphan anymore. As of yesterday I am sixteen and now I'm leaving to go to another kingdom and may never see you again! I HAVE to know! Please!" I try to catch her eyes, but she's avoiding eye contact.

"If you knew what I wouldn't tell you either." She still hesitates and looks as if she's on the verge of tears.

"What's so bad about telling me?!" I practically scream at her. I know I totally ruined our goodbye moment, but it was literally now or never, and I'd prefer it not to be the never.

"It would crush your heart." And with that last statement she races off without at least a goodbye. Oh how quickly a simple question can ruin a person's day.

I make my way over to the front of the Inn. I stop in my tracks when I see my Aunt whispering something into Lord Josh's ear. Oh sure she can talk to him calmly but to me, a girl whose practically her daughter, she can't even answer a simple question.

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