Chapter 5 Hogwarts

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(Skip to the next chapter if you've never read Harry potter.)

I sat in the common room, my head pouring over some books I had to read by the morning. Like wtf.

"Kelly?" A voice whispered. I looked up. "Oh hey Leo." I said to him. He looked really hot right now, with his hair all messed up.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Oh just peachy." I said. "Like I have to work super hard and kill a monster and all that Crapballs and oh did I mention that the world may end?"

Leo hugged me. "Hey, it's ok. Besides, now you can complete EVERYTHING on your bucket list!"

I grinned. "Thanks Leo." I said.

When the people started coming down the the common room, Leo and I decided to go and eat breakfast.

We got lost about one million times.

When we finally got there i started munching on a muffin when Leo whispered into my ear.

"Hey, do we get Wands or something?" He asked.

I spit the muffin out of my mouth and screamed. "OMG I WANT A WAND!" I yelled.

As if on que, an owl dropped two boxes onto my plate. I grinned.

"More food!" Leo yelled.

"Shut up leo, those are our wands!"

I opened the packages and handed a wand with a smiley face on it to Leo.

I twirled the other wand in my hand.


Everyone jumped.

The Slytherin table had exploded.

Well, I may need some more practice with my wand.

After breakfast LEo and I had charms.

"You guys will be learning the summoning spell." Prof Flitwick announced.

"ACCIO!" I screamed, causing all of the candles to burn out.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" I yelled, and everyone started screaming. See, wands were totally my thing. (Note the sarcasm.)

"LUMOS LUMOS!" Everyone started yelling. Nothing happened so we all had to leave that room.

Next we had transfiguration.

The only thing I managed to do was , well, nothing. But Leo had accomplished something. He started the tables on fire.

Since no spell could extinguish the fire and since Leo was now on fire, we were forced to leave the room and lock Leo in the room.

An hour later we went to defense against the dark arts and we only managed to make the professor lose their hair. And it didn't grow back.

We were told to just skip potions, because I guess even normal wizards ad witches cause disasters in that class so they didn't trust us.

After the long day leo and apparated with Dumbledore on our sides to New York. We would be staying at the Kane's house.

I met Harry Potter, Leo Valdez, and OthersWhere stories live. Discover now