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Rose was never this spontaneous, and couldn't even remember the last time she did something without planning and thinking it through.

But here they both were, in Rose's car, driving aimlessly and eleven o'clock at night.

"Where do you wanna go?" Rose asked, but kept her eyes on the empty road in front of her. Even if it was lacking of traffic this time of the day, it was still dark outside and only the light from the car and the street lightings were illuminating their path.

"I don't know, honestly." Michael shrugged in his seat, and Rose was afraid that he still was a bit upset from her mentioning his relationship.

Even though, she wasn't completely sure what made his mood drop, she almost assumed it was about Holly.

And this spontaneous almost-midnight trip to somewhere else was Rose's idea to make up for making Michael lose his smile.

It was kind of her responsibility, she felt like.

But it wasn't going that well so far, anyway.

Rose was used to having a plan when doing things, and she was completely plan-less, at the moment. Mission getting your friend (were they even friends yet? acquaint maybe?) to smile was failing.

She didn't know what people her age were doing these dasy, she'd never had the chance to experience the college life and all the "fun stuff" it brought.

She was completely clueless.

"Are you hungry?" Rose asked, and sounded like she'd been defeated, and maybe she had. It had been stupid of her to think that she could pull something like this off. She wasn't the one to just do things like this.

"I always am." Michael replied, with a smile on his face, and that made Rose not loose all her hope. Maybe she could actually do this? Making Michael happy seemed almost possible.

It was crazy that a smile was all it took for her to regain confidence, it was like it made all her negative thoughts go away.

They were going to have fun, something both Michael and Rose deserved.

"Then I know exactly where to go!" Rose exclaimed, because somehow that small smile from Michael made her happy too.

Michael just chuckled, and shook his head in the seat behind her, making himself comfortable for the ride.

Michael and Rose finally ended up at a diner, it was located a few miles from Rose's apartment, and Michael wasn't even sure he had been to this part of the city before. The small diner was new to him, but he already liked it quite a bit, especially when he saw the big smile Rose had on her face when they parked in front of it.

"Come on." She urged and stepped out of the car, making sure Michael was coming with her.

Rose really liked the small and the not so crowded diner, but she hadn't been here for years. She used to come here almost every day with all her friends back in high school, when responsibilities weren't a thing she had. It was a place where many memories where share during her early teens.

And it looked just like when she used to come here, nothing had changed except the people coming here.

The checkered floor was still the same, and the booths still had the red seats that now were looking even more used than the last time she was here. You could tell this place had been in business for years upon years, and it planned to continue doing so.

"I used to come here a lot." Rose told Michael as they entered the place, and sat down in one of the booths.

"I haven't been here in a while though." She reminisced with a smile back to the days when things weren't complicated and so serious.

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