5 Tips To Longer Hair

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Disclaimer,I'm not saying that this will work for everyone.But this is my knowledge from over the past months/years from magazines,relatives, etc.
Enough of the talking, Let's get into the tips.

Tip 1:Drink water to hydrate your hair.Drinking water helps to manage the circulatory system,which is the system in your body in charge of feeding your hair follicles.That means that water plays a part in getting hair to grow.

Tip 2:Eat strawberries and raspberries.They both contain biotin (a vitamin)which helps in building keratin(the stuff your hair is made out of).So really,that means that by just eating berries it strengthens your hair.
*If you don't like eating berries plain,Blend it with some yogurt.

Tip 3:Use a heat protector.Spritz some heat protectant before styling with a curling iron or straightener. Due to not using a heat protector the high temps of styling temps can damage hair causing strands to fall out.

Tip 4:Coconut oil has important vitamins like E,K and iron.Massage a little bit into your scalp to eliminate dandruff. It will keep your follicles clear,allowing new strands to develop and grow.

Tip 5: Brush your hair daily.From bottom to top.Make sure to massage your head gently. Gently brushing your hair twice a day for, at least, two minutes stimulates the blood circulation in your scalp and spreads your natural oils evenly over your hair.

First Chapter!How was it?Good?Great?Sorry it's so short,next one I promise it'll be longer.*Pinky Promise*


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