Here's how to get flawless skin like you see on the runway,without the make up though.Just naturally.
Tip1:Always wash your face before bed and when you wake up.Start by using a good facial cleanser and cleaning with your hands.You can also stash some wipes in your room for when your too lazy to move.
Tip2:Don't pop your zits.Popping them will only make the acne worse and can lead to scarring.Try to resist it.
Tip3:Be gentle while washing your face.You can choose to wash your face with your hands or,you can wash it with a brush specifically for your face.Before washing,make sure your hands are clean because you'll be putting more dirt and oil on your face.
Tip4:Use lukewarm water. Hot water will dry your skin out and cold water won't open up your pores.
Tip5:Exfoliate.It removes the layer of dead skin cells that are blocking your pores.It'll also show your natural skin glow.
Tip6:Pat your skin dry when wet.It'll keep some of the moisture in and,rubbing your skin can rub your skin in the wrong way.
Tip7:Don't overwash.If your skin still feels oily use an astringent after washing.Over washing can lead to an even more oily face.
Tip8:Keep your hair off your face.Product,dirt and oil can go into your pores so try to keep your hair off your face if possible.
Heey! I couldn't think of any other tips that you guys could use.But,if you have any tips I could try to squeeze it in.Thank you to jamaicanbabe,for giving me an idea of what to do.Many love!
***Ps.should I change the book cover?I want something a little more girly and professional. What do you guys think?