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Hey guys. I have been trying to ignore the fact the the book has been totally crappy uptil now so I have changed my style of writing. Hope you like it.


Sadly I was not woken up by the sunshine on my face,birds chirping a sweet melody,butterflies flitting overhead and a lovely sweet smell of grass and earth from my sweet dreams. I was woken up by a person jumping on my bed.

"Wake up,wake up,lazy bones wake-oompph, "the person shouted and fell off my bed when I kicked him. I heard the satisfying dull thud of the persons body hitting the floor.

"Gimme a couple more hours,"I mumbled and turned in my bed to get a better position.
"Aaarrrggghhhh, "I groaned as I turned and fell right on top of the person under me getting a mouthful of black hair.

I got up to see Sirius grinning up at me. "Good thing you're awake beauty I don't fancy trying to wake you up all day especially since you look so innocent sleeping,"he said cheerfully.

I shook my head trying to ignore the sleeping sand the sand man had put in my eyes. Yes,I'm lame,don't judge.

That was the only fable I had ever managed to get my hands on and I am pretty sure that of the orphanage manager as much as got a whiff of something that brings pleasure to me she would flay me alive. Creativity and imagination is highly discouraged at the Marys Orphanage.

"What the hell are you doing in the girls dorm and how did you get here,"I grumbled.

"First of all ,beauty we you not in the girls dorm secondly I could find a way past that enchanted staircase if I bloody wanted to,"he said and I didn't have to look at his face to see the smirk. I could hear it in his voice.

I looked around and saw that I had been sleeping on the couch in the common room and noticed many people gazing at me in amusement and some glares for sleeping on the couch.

I got up and went to the bathroom in my dorm to take a shower while Sirius waited for me. The stinging cold water woke me up and once I had dressed I went down stairs and went with Sirius, no scratch that stupid Sirius to the great hall. I was still mad at him for waking me up.

We reached the hall and I sat beside the rest of the marauders in the table. James leaned closer. "So is the prank still going?"he whispered. Merlin I had forgotten all about our prank.

"Yeah sure,"I replied with a grin. Just then as if on cue McGonagall walked into the hall. We abandoned our half eaten breakfast and went to the dungeons. I took a vial of potion and gave it to the boys. Then we walked back to the great hall. I walked up to McGonagall with Peter beside me and felt the gaze of students looking at me.

"Er,excuse me professor could you please explain the theory of anti jinxes and counter curses to me again. I am a bit confused?" I rambled on and out of the corner of my eye I saw Remus levitating the potion and until it in McGonagall's goblet of pumpkin juice.

"Thank you professor I understand it now and I am perfectly sure I'll get at least 80 percent in tomorrow's test ," I said confidently.

I walked back to the boys. It was then that I realised that the marauders had put the potion in professor Slugs goblet instead of McGonagall's. Grreaat. I shouldn't have trusted those marauders to do anything right.

I began chiding the guys when suddenly Sirius shushed me.

"Oh, my sweet heart. I really think you are beautiful and look absolutely enchanting and magical today in those lovely midnight blue robes. I love your old wise wizened expression and the silvery sheet running down your chin,"said slug to (guess who,you guessed it) professor Dumbledore.

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