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Sirius's POV

I took Anne aside the next day and explained her the plan. Telling her about Remus being a were wolf and how we were all animagus. I told her that I could transform into a dog,James could transform into a prong and Peter could transform into a rat. Surprisingly I did not get the reaction I expected from her when I told her that Remus was a werewolf. I thought she would be scared or surprised or wouldn't believe him but she just seemed cool like she knew all about it.
Just before midnight me ,Anne,Remus and James put on james invisibility cloak and sneaked out the portraits hole. Peter had just transformed into a rat to avoid detection. We went out the double doors into the grounds. Anne shivered slightly.
"You cold?"Remus asked but she shook her head.
I glared at him. We reached the whomping willow.
"Here where the magic happens," I told Anne. We all turned into animals except Remus and Anne. Then the rat Pete touched a knot in the tree and it froze. A gaping hole appeared and we all went into it. Me first then Anne,Remus and James,Pete had already run ahead. We emerged into a room.
I heard a gasp and turned around to see Anne staring all around with her eyes wide open. I chuckled at her reaction.
"I never imagined that an unsuspecting tree could lead to a room,"She said. We were in a room that looked like it was haunted. The paper was ripped off the wall,the bedpost was scratched,several chairs were there but they were also broken with their legs missing.
"Remus did this? I can't believe it oh poor Remus," She questioned. I felt a sudden surge of anger towards Remus at these words and it took me some minutes to realise it. I could not believe it, me the famous Black, the hard core was filing jealous.
I think Anne noticed my expression and lay a hand on my soldier as if to tell me to calm down and I instantly did at her touch.

Anne's POV

I was appalled at the state of the room and I felt so much pity for Remus. I expressed my pity and then I noticed Sirius glare at Remus and tried to steady Sirius by squeezing his soldier even though I didn't know what his malady was. Any ways it seemed to calm him down and we got down to work. At least james got down to work. We tied Remus on the bed with a length of rope. He looked so scared,his eyes were wide,his face was pale and overall he looked like he was about to die. I could not help it I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to stand beside Sirius.
The moon uncovered and a most horrible transformation took place. Remus's skin sprouted fur and he grew longer. Claws came out of his knuckles and Remus screamed in agony. I could not bear to watch but something kept me going,Sirius and James took form of animals and I backed into a corner. The transformation ended with Remus's teeth growing into canines and he gave a howl. He broke free of the ropes and the two marauders tried to control him. Pete was still in rat form but too small to really help.
The wolf came towards me and James tried vainly to stop him while Sirius stood in front of me in case Remus attacked. Remus managed to get rid of Sirius and James and made me back up into the wall. I thought he was gonna rip off my head and called out to my friends but Sirius had damaged three of his legs and James was unconscious. I was gonna die I thought but closed my eyes and felt fur near my hand. After a few seconds I opened them again to see Remus the wolf was not a wolf any more he was more like a tamed cat. He was snuggling against my hand.
Pete who had been petrified gasped and Sirius turned back. Then the night was over. Flecks of sunlight were in the sky. It was all over. It was dawn. Remus turned back but he was still very faint and weak. It was all my fault I never should have agreed to go. I helped Remus up ad then lay him gently on the bed. I tried to wake james but he was knocked out cold. I fixed sirius's ankle as best as I could with my wand and he managed to stand up. In human form only one of his legs were broken. Then me and Pete helped Remus up. Sirius conjured up a stretcher up for james.
Pete helped Remus up and Sirius used me for support. We covered ourselves with the cloak and went back to the common room. Luckily no one was around to see a stretcher hovering in the air supporting James.
We reached the common room somehow and I almost died under Sirius's weight. I helped the boys to their bedroom and I didn't have the energy to trudge up to my dorm so I just lay down on the couch totally worn out. I just wanted to go to sleep and relieve myself from the pain and have a break but no matter how I tried I stayed awake. I kept replaying the events of tonight in my mind and I think that kept me awake.
I wanted to do something to put Remus out of his pain and it hurt me to see him like this. He had told me that the werewolf that had bit him had been a death eater. Death eaters were supporters of a dark wizard who was rebelling and trying to take over the ministry of magic. I swore in my heart there and then , I swore that I would find the dark lord and do what ever I needed to make sure he died. I wanted to put an end to his scheming , tearing apart families loss and miser. I vowed to take revenge.
Sometime later James came down and when he saw me still up. He was worried.
"What up kiddo can't sleep?"he said. It was more of a statement so I didn't answer.
"I was just I don't know my mind is still reeling so hard it hurts. "I muttered.
"I wanna do something to help Remus ,"I said more clearly.
"Ok, listen it's not your fault that we got hurt tonight sure it never happened before but you get my point,"he continued, "As for helping Remus I read some where once when I was looking for pranks in a book that there is a special potion for it. A man made it but his invention was shunned and the recipe was lost maybe in time they'll find the cure?"
"Yes I hope so I said thanks , James,"I replied getting up and deciding to go to bed.
Yes I can find a cure but for that I need Sev and lil I thought nd with that belief I finally went to sleep.

ANNE BELLE LANCEWhere stories live. Discover now