Help Me Someone.

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(Warning there may be some bad language in this one so if you don't like it then you will have to deal with it hope you enjoy)

Sky's P.O.V

It was the next morning and I was looking at the clock to see the time it was 10:15. I'm going to go today and see who sent me that message and what they want.

*knock knock*

"Whos there?" I asked sitting on my bed looking mostly interested in my phone.

"It me breakfasts ready." I could hear Ken on the other side of the door.

"Okay I will be out now." I said as I put some change of clothes on and went out of my room to have breakfast.

"So what are you going to do today Sky." Hyuk asked me while I was eating a piece of toast.

"Oh I'm going out somewhere at 3:00 so if I'm late for dinner use can eat without me okay." I said while finishing my food.

I can't tell them that I'm meeting up with some strange person that I don't even know and I can't tell them that someone kissed me in the studio last night either I don't want them to worry about me.

I looked at the clock and saw the clock said 2:25 I have to go now I got my phone and left my number for my phone on the fridge so if they want to know where I am they can ring me.

After about 35 minutes I was at the dance studio waiting for this person who texted me.

"Where are they? was this a set up? are they going to come at all?" I thought that was until I felt something soft go over my mouth. What is that is it a cloth oh no am I going to get druged by this person. I started to panic i was trying to get them off that was when my arms and legs started to get heavy and a drifted to sleep. Who is this person and what do they want from me.

Leo's P. O.V

I wonder where Sky went she didn't sound to happy at freak this morning. Well atleast she left her number so we can ask were she is. I might just try and ring her and see if she picks up the phone. That's strange it went straight to voicemail I wonder if she's okay.

It was now 5:00 and Sky wasn't home yet we started to get worried so I tried ringing her again and this time it went through. Someone answered the phone.

"Hey sky were are you." I asked down the phone.

"Leo help me please I don't know were I am." She sounds scared.

"Sky what's wrong were are you I'll come and get you." Everyone looks at me wondering about what going on.

"If you are so worried about what I will do to her why don't you come and get her." It sounds like a male voice that I've heard before. It can't be.

"Your suppost to be in jail were you belong." I said to the man now pissed at who it is.

"Awwww so I take it you missed me then baby brother."

"I am not your brother you are a stranger to me you are no family of mine."

"Well if that's what you think I will just kill her now."

"Don't you dare touch her or I will kill you."

"Meet me at our old house that's if you want her back in one piece that is." He said in a happy way ever.

"What time do you want us come." I was really annoyed at this point.

"2:30 now don't be late or I will hurt her so if I was you get here fast." He hung up the phone. I was so angry and sad that Sky was with him.

"Hyung what's wrong is everything okay." Hyuk asked while walking up to me, I can't tell them what's going on I don't want them to get hurt.

"Nothing I'm going out for abit won't be long." I said as I was about to walk out but I heard someone walking towards me, I turned around to see Hongbin walking to me.

"Leo what's wrong you have been acting all weird since rehearsal so tell what's going on now." Hongbin asked in a scared way.

"Sky's been taken." I said looking towards the floor I could tell that Leo was upset.

"I'm coming with you to get her back." Hongbin said determined to help Sky quickly. I nodded and we both went to the car I was driving.

Sky's P.O.V

"Who are you. " I said looking towards the man stood beside me.

"Awwwww don't worry about who I am if I was you I would be more worried about what I would do with you." The man said while moving his face closer to mine I tried to move back but I couldn't move all I could do was move my head away from him.

"Don't move or I will hurt you an I don't think Leo would like that." He said trying to kiss my neck. Leo were are you help me please.

Leo's P.O.V

Couple of hours past and we were at the house I looked at my watch and saw it said 2:27 I can't be late so I got out of the car and ran up to the door with Hongbin behind me.

I kicked the door open and we tried to find Sky but we heard something like being muffled so we followed the sound and we can to this room and we found Sky sitting in this chair in the middle of the room.

"Sky are you okay." I asked running up to her with Hongbin.

"Hmmmm." Her mouth was covered and a tape so I pulled it away from her lips. She look so scared.

"Behind you look out!" She shouted to the both of me and Hongbin.

*To Be Continued.*

(Sorry it's took so long to update been waiting for the internet to come back on so hope you enjoyed this one and comment what you think.)

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