What should I do.

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Leo's P.O.V

I was shocked I couldn't stop looking at Sky did I hear her right I'm her favorite but why.

"Okay we should be going now. We have alot to do with the dance's and stuff." N said to all of us and going to get ready for practice and so did everyone else.

I stayed to help Sky with the dishes and glasses.

"Here let me help you with that." I said to Sky as I went to grab a few dishes from her.

"No I'm okay I've got it." She pulled away and dropped some of plates on the floor.

"Oh I am so sorry I never meant that at all." She said grabbing the broken pieces of the floor.

"Oowww." She looked at her hand and seen that it was bleeding.

She cut her hand open on one of the glass pieces.

"I'll go get the first aid kit from the kitchen." I said running into the kitchen and grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinets and ran back to her.

Sky's P.O.V

"Keep still it will sting for abit." He had hold of my hand and tried to clean the blood from my hand.

"Thank you for this I'll be fine now." I looked at him and he looked back at me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back, we both looked at each other he moved forward and so did I as we were about to kiss I could hear someone.

"Hyung its time to go to practice." It was Hyuk shouting for Leo.

"I think you have to go." I whispered to Leo and moved away and cleaned the rest of the broken dishes.

A couple hours later I had cleaned all around the house so then I decided to go and watch them practice. I went to the dance studio and watched them practice.

Hongbin's P.O.V

"Wow I'm so tired now can we take a brake now." I asked N with the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay we can have 10 minutes rest okay." N said while dropping himself onto the couch.

We heard the door open and we looked to see who it was.

"Hey Sky what are you doing down here." I asked her while we all gave her a hug.

"Well I was finished doing everything in the house so I thought I could come and watch use practice if that's okay with use and the manage." Sky say looking at all of us with a smile on her face.

"Sure we don't mind at all." N said while hugging her well he must be excited.

I looked at Sky and noticed that she had a bandage on her hand.

"Sky what happened to your hand." I said looking at her hand that is when everyone's face dropped.

"Oh I dropped a dish this morning and cut my hand cleaning it up."

"You cleaned it and covered it yourself." Ken asked looking shocked at Sky.

"No I didn't do it myself, actually Leo helped me clean it and he put the bandage on me. So I just want to say to Leo thank you." She says with a giant smile on her face.

This is so weird why would Leo help Sky he never helps us if we're hurt. Unless he likes her to oh this isn't good.

Sky's P.O.V

After about 3 hours of watching them practice they were done for the day and we all started to head back to the house.

"Oh I'll meet you up there I just left my phone in the dance studio I'll be right back." Turning back towards the studio.

"Were is it I swore that it was here, where is the light switch" I said hoping to find it soon but couldn't see with it being so dark.

I heard the door open and close behind me. I turned around quickly to see who was there.

"Hello is someone there." Trying not to make my voice sound shakey but failed.

There was no reply but all I could hear were foot steps getting closer to me that's when something grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them.

"Let go of me, let me go, get off me..." I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. I tried to fight them off but the person was just to strong and I couldn't even push him away.

"Never let your guard down or next time I want be so nice to you." The voice was husky but I couldn't recognise it.

After that the person had left the lights came on and I was knocked out of my daydream with the brightness of the lights. I went to step back then hit my foot on something small I looked down and saw my phone on the floor.

I wonder who that person is and what they meant by what they said.

I went back to the house and they all greeted me as I walked into the house.

"Hi what took you so long." Said Hyuk with his little puppy dog eyes.

Awwww how cute is he. I thought as I greeted them back.

"Couldn't find my phone and I couldn't find the light switch so it took me longer to find it sorry for worrying you all." I said bowing to them and going to my room.

*beep beep*

I wonder whos texting me, I looked at my phone and saw it was a privet number.

*Meet me at the studio tomorrow at 3:00pm don't bring anyone with you*

Who could that be. It might be one of them trying to play tricks with me.

Should I go and see if it is one of them or could it be that person that kissed me before oh what should I do.

(Sorry its been so long since I updated so I'll try and do as many as I can until I can sort out my internet.)

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