chapter 19

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-chiyo p.o.v.-

when i woke up from inner world i guess its what its called the sun was brighter then when i went to sleep.

"there you are." i jump from the sudden voice. i look up and see sasuke standing there.

"sasuke? what are you doing here?" i ask getting up from my spot on the floor.

"looking for you. we gotta meet kakashi-sensei at the bridge. he said jhe has a surprise for us." he tells me

"okay. i'll meet you there. im going to go clean up." i say and before he can say no i transport away in a puff of smoke

i get home and go to my room to take a shower. 10 minutes later i come out and get dressed in my usual attire. knowing nii-san he is going to be late so i decide to walk to the bridge instead. im walking down down the street looking up to the sky not paying attention to where im going. next thing i know i run into someone. i knock them over, landing ontop of them.

"oww." i moan, still not notcing who im on top.


"oh shit" i freeze and open my eyes wide looking down "g-gaara"

"snowflake." is all he says looking up at me with guilt and something else i cant undertand.

"don't call me that. you dont have the right . dirt shouldnt even be talking." i growl at him as i get off him. i look at him with my onyx eyes shinning in the sun. i can see pain in his eyes and it makes me even madder. "do not act like I am the one at fault. i am the victim. and you are my pray. better hope you dont see me again panda-kun for you pissed off the wrong queen." and with that i teleport to meet my team.

-kakashi p.o.v.-

we are all waiting for chiyo at the bridge.

"where is she?!" naruto yells

"i saw her in the training feild and told her to come here, she went home to get ready, i think she feel asleep in the feild." sasuke says

"god why is sh-" a puff of smoke cut off sakura's rant

'thank god' i sigh in releif

the smoke clears we see that it was a very pissed off chiyo.

'oh god. one thing from sakura and its hell' i sigh in despair of the upcoming fight.

-chiyo p.o.v.-

the cloud of smoke clears and i stand there looking at the water below.

"make this fast kakashi. as you can tell im not in the mood to socialize" i say as i look at him from the corner of my eyes.

"it was him wasn't it?" he sighs and shakes his head "nevermind. ive called you hear because ive nominated you four for the chunnin exams."

"awsome!" naruto begins jumping around in excitment.

"take this and come to the meeting room 302 (right room?) in 2 days." he gives us all a sheet of paper.

"ive gotten what ive came for. ill see you later. im going to train." and i dissapear once again.

-kakashi p.o.v.-

i sigh again as i watch the girl i think as a sister leave in anger and pain.

"whats wrong with chiyo?" sakura asks

"what do you mean ?" naruto asks.

'oblivious boy'

"one she wasnt her usual weird happy moody self. two she hardly looked at any of us. three she actually called sensei by his name. not kashi-sensei or nii-san or pervert like she usually does. she has been like this since yesturday when we ran into gaara guy." she says

"sakura. dont worry about it. she will be fine by tomorrow." i say and follow after chiyo.

i look all over the village for hours until i finally find her ontop of the mountain over looking the village by the light of the moon.

"there you are snowflake. you have the others worrid." i say as i sit next to her. when i look at her face i notice the silent tears rolling down her face.

"he acts like he is the one that hasnt been in pain for the bast 6 years. he didnt fight for me! i thought he cared for me but instead he let his father get rid of me. " she exclaims. the tears coming faster then ever.

"thats not true snowflake he-" she cuts me off

"dont call me that!! he calls me that!! i dont want anything to do with panda-kun." she growls at me and i smirk at her which is probably not the smartest thing ive done but im going with a hunch.

"then why do you still call him panda-kun and not his real name?" she pauses at that and looks away "you still care for him. possibly even love him. and i think he may love you." i say

"he cant love me. he doesnt know what love him with shukaku sealed in him. all he knows is blood lust." she tells me well more like whispers to me .

"see i dont that is complete true. when we first meet in that office after you left he followed after you. he did say goodbye but to himself. he was told by his father to not do anything that concerns you nymore. told him to tell his siblings to not speak to you ever again. he may not have known what love is but he feels something for you." i tell her.

"enough! im done with this. pa- gaara means nothing to me! i may have loved him at first but now all i feel towards him is hatred." she yells at me as she gets up " ill see you in two days kakashi sensei" she tells me but before she can jump away i grab her arm.

"chiyo. you have to pretend to be happy. the others are worrid." i tell her and let her go. immediatly her face changes. it brightens up and her eyes turn to a dark red.

"thanks nii-san!! " she jumps away into the night.

-thrid p.o.v.-

no one notices certain red head watching from the trees. he watched her all day trying to find out a time when to talk to her. but then he saw her sensei and brother show up. he watched her cry at him. his heart craked when he heard he say she doesnt love him and hates him instead. he broke when the man asked her to pretend to be happy for the sake of the others.

'i did this. i miss her.'

'she means nothing. lets kill her already!'

'never her. i can never kill my snowflake.'

he may not know what love is but he feels thats what it is he has for chiyo.

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