chapter 23

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-the next day-

*chiyo p.o.v.*

after I talked with lord gramps yesterday I went home and trained and we got farther if I do say so myself. I just wonder how I should break to the team that they are in this alone from this point on. nii-san stopped by last night to inform me that we are meeting up at the normal bridge then walking together to the forrest of death. I guess ill tell them on the bridge.

"you're late!!!!" sakura and Naruto yell out to me

"like every other time we go through this, is nii-san here yet?" I ask as I jump up on the railing

"well no." sakura says

"therefore I am not late." I say as I balance my whole body on the rail and close my eyes for a quick nap.

I was asleep for what seems like 10 minutes but when I finally sensed kakashi near I noticed about 2 hours gone by, good thing the exam starts around noon.

"you're late!!!!" the two idiots yell out again

"im sorry I got-" he started but I cut him off.

"cut the shit nii-san you stayed up late rea-" he then cuts me off

"isn't there something you need to share with us snowflake?!" he asks

"fine. I had a meeting with lord gramps last night as you all know. he decided for me to take the rest of the exams solo. so you three will be in the forest together at one gate and at another will be me all by myself." I say not moving from my resting position

"what?! that's not fair ima go talk to lor-" Naruto starts but I cut him off

"Naruto. I agreed to his request." I say to him

"but why?" sakura asks

I sit up and look at all of them in the eye individually. "you three know im the one of the strongest ninja here, but you guys only know of a small amount of my power, that's what the dude with glasses told you. me and gramps believe its best for you to take this test as a team of three because it will be challenging, and you all would want to rely on my power to help you three without actually growing. so that's why I agreed, so you guys can grow stronger as a team. don't expect e to help you in there I wont come find you, I wont assist you if im near you are virtually on your own. don't seek me out. good luck you three you're gonna need it." and with that I transport to the exam site leaving them by themselves.

*third pov*

when chiyo leaves its quite for a while.

"so basically we are going to hold her back?" sakura asks no one in particular

"yea, but that's why she is doing this so that you guys can get to her level." kakashi says


-time skip to the forest of death-

*third pov still*

when chiyo arrives at the site there are already a few teams present. one of which is gaaras team. they take notice to lonely snowflake immediately.

"where do you think he loser team is?" kankuro asks

"beats me, maybe she ditched them." temari asks

"lets go ass her!" kankuro exclaims and starts to run up to her

"no wait! she will kill you!!!" she yells out but it falls on empty air "lets go gaara before he does something stupid"

gaara doesn't reply but follows anyways, wanting to see his precious snowflake once again. they catch up to kankuro right as he reaches chiyo.

"hey chiyo! where is your loser team?!" he asks her with a slight smirk. she turns around and her eyes are still red until he notices gaara, then they turn into the really dark red.

"i left them at the bridge." is all she says

"but why?" temari asks

"it has been requested that I take the exam from here on out solo so that my team can start reaching their full potential without my assistance. now is there anything else I can help you with?" she asks her voice having no emotions at all

"aren't you worried that youll become a target to the other teams?" temari asks

"let them come, the more blood I spill in there means the more fun I have." she gives out a demonic smile that even scares gaara a bit. but he ofcourse doesn't let it show.

"i thought you said that you will kill us if we ever came across you again" kankuro says smugly

"the only reason you are still alive right now is because it is against the rules to kill you right now. but if we cross paths in there" she points to the forest " the you better have a will prepared because I will not go easy on you and you will be nothing but a pile of splintered wood and flesh bits." she saysand with that se turns around to walk away.

"what happened to you chiyo?" temari asks quietly.

she turns around and faces the three again "i grew up." and with that she walks away.

"snowflake....." gaara says quietly almost to quiet to be heard but his siblings who are on either side of him heard him. the share a knowing look above his line of sight.

a couple of minutes later and all the teams are here and lined up. anko begins to explain this part o the exam but chiyo isn't paying attention to her she is looking up at the sky. she doesn't notice that gaara is staring at her from behind, she doesnt move from her daydream as Naruto causes a commotion yet again and the thing with the grass ninja goes down. she tunes back in when anko informs them the have to sign warrants for their possible deaths in the forest the turn it in to the people behind the curtain and get their scroll. either a heaven or earth scroll. he grabs her paper and finds a spot near the fence and to read it over.

'are you going to go through it all in one day or are you gong to space out your time?' Lilith asks her

'all n one day. its a piece of cake and now that I dont a team to hold me back and can do some killing in there without their judgments.' chiyo replies


chyio doesn't reply and signs the papers. she gets up and passes the academy kids interviewing her team.

"hey wait chiyo!" she turns around to find a little girl there


"can I interview you as well?"

"um sure"

'I don't se how this is important.' Lilith says

'its not but who cares' and that ends that discussion

"so whats your name?" the little girl asks

"chiyo hoshi."

"such a pretty name" she gushes "is it true that you are not from the leaf village originally?"

"yes. I moved her when I was around 6 years old from the sand village." she says not giving out the full story.

"the sand village? does that mean you know the sand siblings?!" the little girl, she notices chiyo eyes get increasingly darker at the mention of the siblings.

"i think we are done here." chiyo stats before she gets up an walks away from the girl.

"what did I do?"

"don't worry about it, its just a touchy subject for her." sakura tells her

chiyo walks up to the tent alone, and everyone notices. she walks in and comes out a few minutes later with a heaven scroll hidden in her pouch. she walks up to her gate and just waits for the exam to begin. slowly everyone turns in their slips and goes to ther assigned gates. gaaras team being right next to hers.

after a few minutes everyone is situated and the bell rings and the gates open.

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