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A/N hey this is my first story so if this chapter gets no hate and u guys all like it I'll update

Fallen angel was born a freak of nature, she had huge black wings and no explanation of how or why. Everyone hated her, her parents especially. They thought she was possessed by the devil, so they abused her hoping it would beat the devil out of her. Punching, kicking, smacking, her until it brought her to tears.
In school it wasn't much better, the preppy girls bullied her, calling her emo. Putting papers on her locker that said emo, freak of nature, go kill yourself, cutter. Though she never cut.
From the abuse and the bullying angel turned numb, she got used to the abuse, she didn't cry, she couldn't feel pain anymore. But the only thing that kept her from committing suicide was music. Just listening to music calmed her, made her forget the pain, bullying, and abuse.
For 15 years she suffered, and survived. But one day her parents almost killed her they beat her more than usual and even pulled a knife on her. Angel had enough she smacked them with her wings so hard that she knocked them out. She ran upstairs to pack a backpack because she just wanted to get away from this hellhole. Angel grabbed the biggest backpack that she had and shoved clothes, underwear, her iPod and charger, brush. Then she went downstairs to get the mini one person  tent. Angel ran back upstairs to grab her parents money, then to the kitchen to get food and water. Without thinking angel grabbed a knife and stabbed her parents in the heart killing them instantly. She debated if flying would be too noticeable but then she thought 'screw it I don't give a shit if other people see my wings'. So angel ran outside and took off flying to get away from that hellhole.

Fallen angelWhere stories live. Discover now