Blue masked guy

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A/N hey guys if you are sensitive to foul language please don't leave any hate thanks guys

As I was flying away I saw someone with a black hoodie walking around with a scalpel. so naturally I thought hey why don't I talk to this guy! So I swooped down and landed on his head knocking him down.
"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't think landing on your head would knock you down!" so I held out my hand to help him up. He saw my wings and jumped back saying "who the hell are you and why do you have wings!" I noticed that he had a blue mask on that had black goo dripping from the sockets.

"I'm angel, fallen angel, and I have no fucking idea how I got these wings I was born a freak of nature! And why do you have a mask and a scalpel?" He noticed that I was holding a knife and said

"I'm Eyeless jack or EJ and I have this scalpel because I love kidneys! And may I ask why you have a knife?" I looked at the bloody knife my wings folding in just to say

"I killed my fucking abusive parents because I was done with the pain btw  do you know of any clearings in the woods that I could sleep in?" EJ looked at me and said

"Well you could stay at the creepypasta mansion if you're interested just follow me" he started walking into the woods so I folded my wings in all the way so I wouldn't hit any branches. because they were huge, a 16' wingspan. We walked in the woods for what seemed like hours when we came to a clearing with a huge creepy mansion. I unfolded my wings to stretch them, but I saw a huge red husky with a smile barreling towards us I folded my wings in just to be tackled by the dog. It started licking my face just for me to see EJ laughing his ass off. I pushed the dog off of me and got up.

"Oh I follow you for half an hour through the woods just to be tackled and licked to death!" The red husky sad down and wagged his tail with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

Fallen angelWhere stories live. Discover now