First lesson

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We walked in to our first lesson as we let go of each others hands, we sat down at the back as always. After the teacher, Mr. Evans handed the books out, and told us our work for the lesson, it was nearly time for break, all of my friends, Kane, Carly, Aston, Cole, Eliza and Ruby came running at the back of the class telling me and Lex to meet them at break, (Lex is short for Lexi) The bell rang for second lesson, we all got up out of our seats and tucked them under the tables calmly.

In second lesson it was a free period as the teacher knew it was my last day, so Mrs. Stevens told us we could have a game of hangman until break time. It was a really good lesson we all thought. The hour went by pretty fast, as the bell rang for break. Everyone ran out of the door, I slowly walked up to Mrs. Stevens to say thanks for every thing while holding Lexi's hand. 

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