Chapter 4: Our little cup of tea in the morning

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Mollys P.O.V.

I woke up at 11 am feeling better than I ever had in my entire flipper flabbing life I'm either half asleep still or I'm just that excited. I quickly show awake an adorable sleeping Maddie. Aw she looks so toote when she's sleeping (A/N: this is really how Molly says the word 'cute' in real life) okay I'm not lesbo or anything so lesbi-honest here okay wow I'm really off topic here well it's my mind so I don't give two fucks blehhhhhhh blehhhhhhh blehhhhhhh blehhhhhhh blah blehhhh DONT JUDGE ME BIAACHHHHHHEZZZZZZZZ okay wow so wait was I doing? Oh yea waking up Maddie the best way everrrrrrrr she would probably be dreaming of Niall like always so I decided I would fuck up her dream.... I shook her violently screaming "THE BUILDING IS BURNING DOWN STOP SUCKING MY PENIS YA DUMB BIACHHHH!!!!!!" She woke up quickly and grabbed a pair of shorts and ran for the front door she was half way out the door when she turned around and noticed Katie and Josey asleep on the couch and looked back at me and said "fuck you up the ass hole for a million bajillion kazillionerino years you bitch" then flicked me off and returned back to her bedroom and laying down on the bed next to me. 

Damn this bed is comfy no wonder she sleeps so much.

"Mollllllllaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" she says after a few minutes 


"Do you know how much I wuv you?" She says sitting up and batting her eyelashes  

I roll my eyes knowing what's coming next "alright what do you want this time?" I say getting up off the bed

"Will you go to Starbucks and get me a vanilla frappuchino?"

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh you make me do so much workkkkkkkk" I say getting my one direction hoodie out of the drawer next to her bed.

I grabbed my keys and walk towards her door "sure be back in 5"

I started my car and let the engine roar to life. I pulled out of the driveway and down the road to Starbucks. I got out and walked inside of the so familiar coffee place and went up to order  

"Hi welcome to Starbucks how may I help you" the cashiers voice said. Man he sounded familiar  

"Yes I would like a vanilla frappuchino and a Carmel frappuchino with whip--" I said looking up from my phone to see the person I least expected to see here.....jake

Okay allow me to explain, jake is my least favorite person in the world because he broke my heart and cheated on me with Barbie I mean Kathy Davis. The slut of our school. Ugh man I wish she would fall in a hole with snakes and a rhinoceros and a hippo that was a cannibal and would die listening to Taylor swift. So the point is: I hate Kathy and jake.

"Molly?" Jake said waving his hand in front of my face like I was blind or something

"What?" I snapped at him

"Nothing just here's your drinks" he said handing me my drinks

I grabbed them threw my credit card at his face "just swipe it already you dick head"

He quickly swiped it ad handed it back keeping his distance afraid I might pull out a gun and shoot him in the face  

Pft I would if I could.

Maddies P.O.V.

I sat up and grabbed my phone to check my kik wow I had three messages from Niall. Wow never thought I would get to say those exact words.

Niall-hey beautiful! Um I was wondering if by any chance you knew a certain Perrie Edwards? xx

Niall- c'mon babe answer meeeeeeeeeee ill send my pot of gold over the rainbow ;) xx

Wow that cheeky little leprechaun

Niall- playing hard to get ey? Well I wont stop

I decided to message him back 'hey you little leprechaun yea I do know her she's one my best friends why?'

Niall- so you probably know about the break up then? xx

Oh shit. I completely forgot to call Perrie back yesterday. "Fuck" I said aloud

"What's wrong?" Molly asked walking over to me and setting down the frappuchino on the nightstand next to me

"I forgot to call Perrie about the break up"

"See that's one of the great things about being my best friend; you won't ever have to comfort me because me and Harry will never break up" she said with a wink "plus Katie called her back for you and made sure she was alright" I nodded

Oh praise sweet baby Jesus and his saints

I responded to Niall 'yea she's taking it pretty hard but how's zayn handling it?' I asked trying not to fangirl about the fact that I'm talking to Niall horan

Niall- ummmmmmmmm.......he's a mess but I mean who wouldn't be a mess after finding out your best mate had sex with your girlfriend. Well I better go I have to get ready for our concert tonight. See you then gorgeous ;) xx

I blushed like crazy, closed my eyes, and silently fangirled for a minute....or 5. when i looked up at molly I guess I had a mind connection with Molly because she looked up from her phone blushing and smiling as big as I was I quickly nodded giving her the conformation she needed before going to scream in Josey and katies ear about the tickets. She jumped up and ran into the living room and jumped over the couch and landed on Katie as I did the same to Josey. They both simultaneously groaned at the impact before me and Molly whispered loud enough for only us two to hear "1.....2....5" we whispered in unison then quickly yelled "WERE GOING TO MEEET ONNNNNNNEEEEEE DDIIIIRRREECCCCTTTIIIIONNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  

Man today could absolutely change our lives forever......


A/N- wow I just checked my reads: 17 wow that's a lot to me. Thanks everyone for reading so far and please tell everyone about this story to get more reads. Sorry I didn't post last week I was grounded. Well I love all my readers and hope you all get the word out soon. Oh and inbox me or message me (whatever the fuck you do on this site) love you all my little unicorn fairy princesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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