chapter 1

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Dani's POV

The cold, rusty air hit my face once again as I shook it off and continued walking to my destination. It was almost 11 at night and I'm outside, watching the cars pass by, crying.

The horrible memory of what happened just 10 minutes ago made my eyes more redder and my cheeks puffed. I kept on trying to get my calm breathing back, which is miraculously progressing.

You can say my life is very bad right now.

My parents are planning a divorce from a huge fight that I'd like to call stupid while my older brother, Richard, moved to a new better house and left us.He doesn't know our parents are getting a divorce though. And that's why I'm going to walk to his house right now even if it takes a long way. I want to stay with him for a while until I'm over this. He's the most caring person I know in my life and besides. He's the only person that's there for me right now.

My day suddenly just got way more worse when I felt the cold rain hit my head. More and more dropped until I was officially, completely, soaking wet. I ducked my head with two hands and started walking a little more faster so I wouldn't get sick. I was walking so fast that I didn't realize I bumped into someone hard that I made them fall. I groaned knowing I had to say I'm sorry.

"I am so sorry!" I tried to apologized.

"It's okay." The person lightly chuckled while in pain. It was a guy.

"You look like you're struggling, here take my hand." I told him, reaching my hand for him to take. The guy accepted my help and slowly got up to his feet, still hurt.

"I'm really sorry for bumping hard into you. It was just raining and I didn't have a ride-"

"You have already apologized, and I accept it." The blonde haired bot smiled which I gladly returned. I soon turned back to reality and shook my head.

"Uh, as I said, I am very sorry but I really have to go. . ." I said a little too quickly.

"You are walking?" His German accent spoke.

"Uh, yeah, I am." I nervously chuckled.

"You cannot walk when it is raining. You are already soaking wet." He informed.

"Yeah, it's fine really-"

"No, it is not. Come, my car is just over there. I will give you a ride." He ended. I sighed in defeat and followed the stranger. That's when I realized my stupidity. I just accepted a car ride from a stranger.

"Oh my god, the things I do without thinking..." I face palmed.

"Hey," A voice said, kicking me out of my thoughts, "what is your name?" Instead of saying my real name I decided to fake my name.

"It's uh- Katie." I forced a believable smile.

"Katie . . . ?" He asked me to continue for my last name.

"Yeah! Uh, Katie. . . Billian!" Wow Dani good job. You named yourself after someone you hate.

"You seem nervous." The blonde awkwardly laughed. I gulped knowing he was right.

"I'm not going to hurt you if you're thinking that. . . ." He continued. His sentence gave me relief.

"Oh, thank you." I sighed.

The blonde chuckled, "My name is Marco."

I smiled and replied, "My real name is Dani."

"Nice name, not very German though?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, I'm Half American and German. Mostly American though." I said. Marco hummed, understanding me.

"Do you know how to speak German here?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, I'm not really fluent but I know most of the words." I told him clinging into my jacket more tighter because of the temperature. I'm very soaked and seriously freezing. Pretty sure I'm going to be sick by tomorrow.

"Alright, where are you going?" Marco asked.

"I'm heading to my brother's house. You just go straight and when you see a coffee shop to your right when you stop, you turn right. Then straight again and then I'll tell you when I see it." I explained, not knowing if Marco caught it.

"That's, uh- long, what were you thinking trying to walk there without any vehicle?" Marco widened his eyes.

"It's complicated." I forced a smile trying to change the subject. Marco looked at me with concerned eyes again but he shook it off and started the vehicle. I let out a good relieved sigh.

"Thanks for giving me a ride again Marco." I smiled at him, stepping out of his car completely.

"You've already thanked me enough." Marco chuckled inside the car. Luckily, the rain stopped and now I was almost dry.

"Yeah, sorry," I nervously chuckled, "but I guess I'm going now." I waved one last time before turning away to start walking to the doorstep.

"Wait!" Marco's voice stopped me. I raised my eyebrow as a sign for him to continue and he read it.

"Uh, I was just going to ask, if I can have your phone number?" Marco asked with a small shyness in his voice while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sure." Marco and I both exchanged our numbers.

"Sorry I had to stop you for that aha, it was just that you seemed really nice." Marco informed me.

"You're nice too, I'm really glad you're not a serial killer." I joked. He laughed.

"I'll text you Dani." Marco attractively smiled. I nodded and watched him drive away.

"What a nice person." I smiled to myself before turning again.

a/n: sorry for mistakes :(


that's all :)



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