Chapter 2

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"Where are you." He mumbled to himself shaking in the cold rain. He crossed his arms over his chest hoping to warm himself up. What seemed like hours later, that was only minutes, many different vehicles with flashing lights zoomed down the street. His eyes opened wide as he jumped up and down, waving his arms.

The ambulances came to a stop, along with the one lone police car, and the paramedics came rushing out.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to step aside." Chris refused to be pushed away. He needed to make sure they were alright.

"We don't know how long they've been out here or what kind of hospitalization they'll need. Unless you know any of these things, please just move." The driver said, sounding sympathetic. Chris sighed and moved towards his car. He refused to get inside his car. We couldn't go home until he knew they were going to be okay.

He stood in the rain, that now got heavier. As he expected, news vans started to show, and soon, he could no longer see the cars because so many different people were there doing different things.

In milliseconds, the rain seemed to go away. He looked up, and came face to face with a black sky. 

"There were flowers in the front seat. What do you think he was doing with them. Surprising his wife? That's sweet. You don't see too much of that anymore." He looked to his left. He saw a police officer holding an umbrella over his head, shielding him from the rain and not herself.

"Not exactly surprising her-" he mumbled, pushing the umbrella back over the blonde officers head, allowing himself to be under the heavy rain fall.

"Did you know them?" He shook his head.

"Not exactly." He sighed and poked his up head, hoping to get a good view of the scene.

"My names Valerie by the way. I'm the lead officer on the case. I'm not supposed to, since your not immediate family, but you can leave now and I'll keep you updated." She tried to negotiate.

"How do you know I'm not family?" She raised an eyebrow at him. He signed and dropped his head.

"Just go home. They're going to be okay. Look. The ambulances are leaving now. That means their both alive." His head sprang up and his eyes followed the flashing lights as far as the rain would let him.

He opened his car door and was about to slam the door when he heard the voice again.

"Hey I never got your name." She smirked at him.

"Chris." He smiled slightly. He closed the door and turned on his car. Immediately he followed the direction of the ambulances and raced down the road. He didn't even bother to turn on the radio, he needed to make sure they were alright.

After racing down many streets, he finally made it to the hospital. He parked crookedly and ran into the ER. He looked around nervously, seeing neither of the two. A nurse soon approached him, holding onto him and walking him to a chair.

"Sir are you alright? Do you need help?" She looked into his hazy eyes.

"Where are they? The man and little girl who just came in? Ambulances just took them away, why aren't they here? Are they okay?" He tried to jump up again to begin searching.

"Sir I need you to calm down." His shoulders relaxed but the concern never left bus eyes.

"Now, who are you talking about? I'm only an intern but I may be able to help." Concern growing in her eyes as well.

"A young girl and her father just got into a crash. They were sent here. Are they alright? The girl, she has blonde hair, her names Katherine-" he was cut mid sentence by another doctor.

"sir, is this your family?" He asked.

"Well no, but-" he was cut again.

"He's with me. Don't worry." The three turned their head to see the police officer again. The head doctor nodded and signaled for the nurse to go with him. Valerie sat down next to him and shook her head.

"I thought I told you to go home." She pointed her finger at him, placing emphasis on the word you.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm grown man. I don't take orders from anyone." He crossed his arms and looked away.

"Wow. What does your wife have to say about that?" She joked, trying to soften up the conversation.

"Don't you dare talk about my wife." He yelled jumping up from his seat. Valerie jumped back in shock, and everyone in the room looked in his direction. He quickly sat back down and didn't say a word till everyone went back to what they were doing.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have screamed. It's just, I lost my wife last year and-"

"Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have said anything. I knew there was a reason you were here." She sat back in a comfortable position.

"But that doesn't make any sense?"

"Of course it does. When you lose someone, you constantly try to make a connection between that person and someone who is living. It seems to me that you found someone. That little girl." He rolled his eyes.

"How could a little girl remind me of my wife."

"The mind works in mysterious ways." He sighed. This all seemed too familiar.

"How are they anyways?" She sighed and dropped her head.

"The dad died on his way here. The little girl-"

"Katherine. Her name is Katherine." He cut her off. She nodded.

"Katherine, was brought into surgery. I can't say i know why, but she'll be alright. They have no living family left. Her mother died last year. She'll be sent to live in an orphanage a couple towns over. Poor kid. Losing both her parents due to a car crash. At such a young age too." His eyes widened, and he looked at the cop. He jumped out of his seat and walked back outside. It wasn't making any sense.


Aw, poor Katherine.. What do you all think about Valerie? Don't worry, she isn't going anywhere soon ;))

Teaser: flashback! We get to see a glimpse into Chris's past. And Katherine wakes up and hears the news!

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Love yous!


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