Chapter 1: Do I know you?

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I wanted to turn around right there and then, before she dragged me to that place. I had not visited her for over 10 years now. Boy she must be angry! My mind was burning up with the thought and my insides twisting with the guilt. As I got closer I felt her spirit leave me bit by bit - like when you start to get warm after freezing for an hour - returning to her home.

"Don't go!" I shouted out for my voice to be carried on the wind, for all to hear.

The last thing I saw was a little white blip fade into the distance, I couldn't track where it went becasue of the deep fog that enveloped the place - it was like a horror movie setting gone wrong - and this made it impossible to see.

"Great I'm lost in a bloody graveyard!" I screamed for no-one to hear.

No I convinced myself. I must carry on for Zara she is my sister, we are the same age and she is the one who ruined my life. As I walked up that long hill - why did it have to be such a steep hill and why did she have to be buried at the top - getting closer to her and further from my family the remaining that I have, that is. My legs burning up like someone had put a naked flame to them. I should have knew that the ghost would have been her, I mean who else would try to invade my body?

I wrapped my arms around myself and they almost touched at the back, wow mum was right, I really was anorexic. Well that will all be sorted in time I suppose. Trust me to only wear the shortest top I could find this morning and my shortest jean pants. Stupid washing machine why did you have to break today of all days? I wanted to continue but my overworked mind tried to push every idea of that out of my head, but I ignored it (I'm very good at ignoring people) and still clambered on.

I must continue, I must. My mind wanting to go one way, my heart another. How do you ignore the ones you love? But the hardest choice is choosing which one to obey, in the end I chose my heart, it had helped me this far. So many times going up that hill had I wanted to turn away. But I couldn't now, Zara needed me. The only way I'm leaving is if I bloody fall down the hill and break both legs. I had finally worked out a way to bring her back to life, it was complicated and required a lot, and I mean a LOT, of thinking about. It would require getting involved with people that are not too nice - I mean the witches - and a lot of time, it would also require a few sacrifices that I am willing to make.

I carried on walking closer to Floater Cemetery, I felt the cold settle in. It was not a shiver cold like someone had walked over you're grave. Which is a bit ironic I guess because I'm walking over graves right now, but a cold like those of a lost spirit welcoming you. I had no idea where Zara was buried. I turned my phone off to ignore the calls that I was receiving. I hate walking over graves it makes me feel all weird, I swear I'm not trying to be disrespectful or anything.

As I carried on walking, the wind howling though my ears, like that of a scream. I carried on shouting out to God himself and my sister, asking them to show me where Zara was. Nothing happened. I felt like breaking down and as i sat down, tears started to flow down my cheeks, making a river on my face and a puddle on the floor.

I couldn't face the fact that she was lost to me forever and then collasped on the floor curling into a ball, my hair sticking ti my face, my clothes becoming drenched with my own tears, I had been crying that much that to try and see was well impossible. I slowly got back to my feet thinking that coming - well being dragged - all this way to leave now would to be acepting defeat which I shouldn't do.

As I turned around, ready to give in and go home, a black magpie started pecking at my shoe.

"Go away! Can't you see I'm depressed!" I shouted as I kicked the magpie away from my shoe.

 I slowly started to walk away waiting for a miracle to happen. But knowing all the luck I've had today that it properly wouldn't happen anyway. Then suddenly... two more magpies joined the first and they started to peck at my shoes.

"What do you want?" I shouted, angry feeling like I would explode at any second.

They all turned there heads in one direction pointing northeast then they all turned there heads at me. They then winked and motioned for me to follow them, as well as thinking that this is all creepy and such I decided that I would follow them.

"Fine I will follow you."

 As the magpies turned around I swear I saw one of them smile (if that is even possible). I am also very superstitious, so i believed in the magpie song. As I turned the corner, I said 

 "One for sorrow. Two for joy. Three for a...GIRL!! Zara!" I ran around to the heart shaped stone the magpies were sitting on. Then they just flew off.

 "Thank you!" I screamed with joy. 

As I looked upon the grave, it was beautiful. The headstone was a black heart (Zara loved Gothic) with red writing. The writing said 'Zara you shall be missed dearly R.I.P' Also shading the grave were two willow trees. They looked as though they were protecting the grave itself. 

"FINALLY!" A mysterious voice said from right behind me.

"Huh?" I replied, very confused.

"I've been looking for you all over!" He shouted back at me.

"You must have me confused with someone else" I replied.

"No, I know you and you know me" He said as he went to pull something from his pocket.

"Do I know you?" I questioned.

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