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I looked out of the cracked window - which resembled the shape of a cross, the only thing I didn't want to see today- into the gloom that surrounded us like a wrap around blanket, containing us in the cold. It was the 15th May. A very important day for a special person. I was in an exam hall taking my maths exam at the age of 17 or so they think hahaha. The truth be told that I am thousands of years older than that and forever frozen at the age of 17. It was 1:30 pm, we still had an hour left of this stupid exam. I had answered all the questions with ease in 45 minutes, because I have abilities that allow me to know the answer just be touching the paper creepy right? As I looked around the bleak and dull hall in which I was sitting in, with its mouldy coloured walls - that made you want to be physically sick - and its peeling paper hanging suspended from the ceiling like a massive spiders web, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a tarantula living up there. If there was I wish it would bloody fall on someone's head and bite it off so we could leave. As I sat there watching the clock, tick tock, tick tock,

I felt a sudden chill in the air which was around ten times worse than a shiver that would creep up your spine and looked up to see an eerie white orb floating mysteriously around the teachers head. I knew what it was, it was a ghost orb and it had to be her because she was floating around the head of the teacher she always hated no matter how many times she reincarnated at her death.

At that point I kept on wishing that the clock would somehow speed up to get away from the ghost orb, who I knew was someone very dear to me, that somehow managed to ruin my life...TWICE!

As soon as that alarm to signal the end of exam went, I rushed out that door faster than anyone I know. I hoped that the use of my powers had not caught anyone's attention or I'm going to get done again. After I rushed out of the door the cold air that slapped me in the face - I welcomed it with a smile - despite the fact that it made me eyes water, blurring my vision.  

So there I was, running down the street, my legs begging me to stop, my heart a fast beating drum, beating in time with the bangs of my shoes against the cold, soaked ground. But because of my blurred vision and my natural clumsiness....BANG!

The rain still continued to pour down, soaking the town in a sheet of cold wet water, as my mother used to say.

'Oh NO!' I screamed as I hit the floor, hard. As I steadily tried to get back up, my senses dulled like that of a drunk as I fell back to my knees. People around me were looking at me dodgy and wondering who was I and how much of an idiot I must be. Deep breaths. I told myself. As I pushed up against the ground finally being able to stand upright, I watched the blood, my blood, drop in a series of patterns to the floor, only to be washed away, like that of water down a sink. I knew I would have bruises tomorrow, but that was not what concerned me.

Then even though I was able to stand on my feet -little did I know it wouldn't last - I was pushed back down again, by a boy, not much older than me, he and his friends started to beat me, I could feel the cuts, then they would heal again due to my abilities. Then the ghost orb returned again and then fear shone though in my attackers eyes and they scattered screaming all the way.

All of a sudden, instead of going home my feet were walking somewhere of their own accord now. As I pulled my head up, not wanting to see where I was going, a big tall building suddenly came into view. It looked like a dome and pointed at the top, you could see the red that shone from the bricks, there were gaps where parts of the building were missing and cracks were lightning had struck.

I tried to put some power so that I was in control again, it was like having an internal battle with the flu except that you can feel  each shift of power, but alas my efforts were not strong enough and as I excepted defeat the only thing I could say was, 

"Oh no, why here?"

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