Chapter 3 - Thinking of the past...and thinking of you

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Lara’s P.O.V

Wow this guy was ignorant, I mean who does he think he is? And what was he doing with that large rock? Why was he holding it over Zara’s headstone? I had to see who he was but I didn’t have and energy left to use a power.

“Hey who are you and what are you are you doing with that rock, I expect some questions off you” I said trying to not use that motherly tone but I don’t think it worked.

“I think you mean answers, not questions and why should I tell you my name when you…killed…Jack” Was all he could say. He must have been someone close to Jack, maybe his brother? But then again I don’t think Jack had a brother, not that I’m aware of anyway.

“I didn’t realise you could talk?” I don’t know how taunting him would help. “What happened earlier, cat got your tongue?” I tried to say while laughing.

“You shouldn’t have said that ‘cause now you’re gunna pay” He spoke clearly and slowly as he dropped the rock on her grave. “You evil little git” Was all I could get out through my tears.

I can’t believe that he destroyed it! There he goes running off, I’ll get him and I’ll make him pay for what he did. He must be one of the Devil’s servants because he knows Jack in the form that he was and he wouldn’t tell me his name; maybe he was trying to protect his identity. I turned around to look at the mess he’d made and I suppose it wasn’t too bad; I could easily fix it.

On inspection the heart that made the headstone had split into four equal pieces, it shouldn’t be too hard to fix, just a little angel magic and some hard work I could sand the corners of each piece to ensure that they slot together. It’s strange though looking at this broken heart reminds me if some of the times we used to share.

My thoughts on Zara’s headstone brought me back to the events that had just recently happened. "My sweetheart" I can't believe I had called him that. What was wrong with me?

I mean why had I done that when my heart belonged to Shane? I mean, was I going mad or something. Maybe I’ve been mad for a long time but, I mean come on he was Zara's, she would have killed me if she had heard me say that. Sometimes I can’t remember who my sister or her boyfriend are; I have always been forgetting things since my departure from heaven. Apparently memory loss is normal for a new angel. Sometimes there’s things that I miss about her. I miss her hugs and her laugh. I couldn't help but cry, I had been holding back the tears, but now they let loose of their own accord, forming a waterfall down my face, and puddles on the grass, I missed those days when she would hear me say something and flip; those were the days. I can still remember when I was ten and we would still argue.

I would give anything to have my beloved sister by my side again, we could be the duo that we’d always been, L and Z that’s who we were, and I’d give anything for her to be back for our 18th birthday, which reminds me…


It was our 10th birthday today! Yay! We were finally growing up, I couldn't be happier! It means that I am now one year older! So is Zara but she never mentions it and neither does mother, I don’t know why. I could hear Zara bouncing down the stairs from my seat in the living room.

"Happy 10th birthday, you little nutter" Zara said, while rubbing my hair. I hated it when she rubbed my hair but it made me feel like I was never alone, I hated to be alone. “It’s your birthday too” I said with the voice of an little angel as my mother would say.

“No it isn’t” She said with a frown upon her face as she walked off.

"Stop rubbing my hair! And thanks" I replied, hoping she’d hear me as she walked over to the window. The she came back over with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2012 ⏰

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