(1) How You Sleep

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Thomas: Usually, he goes to sleep before you, to wake up early, so you just climb into bed and lay facing toward him. He drapes an arm lazily around you in his sleep and you snuggle up to him.

Newt: Newt loves to cuddle, but sometimes you're just not in a snuggle/cuddle mood, so he wraps his arms around you and tangles your guys' legs together so you can't get away.

Minho: Minho stinks from dried sweat nine times out of ten, so you lay with your back facing his chest and you lay on one of his arms, while the other is holding you tight. A couple times every week, you hold his hand as you two fall asleep.

Gally: Gally doesn't cuddle/snuggle too much. Most of the time, you lay on his arm and he is on his back. Not much to it. But, when you've had a bad day or something, he hugs you and rocks you to sleep, occasionally kissing your head. He's secretly a softie.

Alby: Alby is very "high and mighty" so he lays your head on his chest, which you don't mind because his steady heartbeat lulls you to sleep. He also wraps both his arms around you. You put one hand on the other side of his chest and the other cradled against your chest.

Okey dokey. That is preference one. Was it okay, I'd like to know. You guys are awesome if you're reading this. I won't hold you any longer, so bye.


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