Minho Imagine

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A/N: Here's an imagine, dedicated to nobody, I just wanted to put an imagine in here, so viola!

You have all the symptoms. Morning sickness, missed period, and slowly but surely, your stomach is getting bigger. It took you about two months to realize it.

You're pregnant.

Now you're three months in and the father still doesn't know.

Of course, you can't tell him!

He might get mad or he might leave you. Anything, really, could happen. You just try not to think about it, but the guys who hang around you have started to take notice.

Minho's always gone anyway, so it's not hard to keep it from him. One day, Newt pulls you into the Deadheads.

"(Y/N), are you pregnant?" Newt asks.

"I... uh... what?" How did he find out?!

"You know what I'm talking about! Are you?" You nod. "Who's the dad?"

"Why would you even ask that?!"

"Well, you might not be as faithful as you seem. Who's the dad?" He repeats his question.

"Minho, you shucking slinthead!" You yell.

"You have to tell him!" He runs off before you can object.


"Hey (Y/N)!" Minho yells, running up to you. He lifts you, spins you around, then sets you down and kisses you. "Newt said you wanted to talk to me."

"Oh... uh-"

"Or he said if you don't tell me, he will." Then Minho's eyes get wide in worry. "(Y/N), what's going on? Are you leaving me for Newt?!"

"No, I just... I'm... I don't wanna say, you might leave me," you reply.

"I promise I will never leave you, as long as you still love me."

"Okay..." you take a deep breath. "I'm three months pregnant." He stares off into space,so you get worried. "Minho?" Your voice comes out shakily.

"I'm gonna be a father?" His expression is still blank. You nod, preparing for the worst. Then he grins the biggest grin you've ever seen and puts you on his shoulder, walking around the Glade yelling:


You give birth to a healthy baby girl and you two name it Kimberly. At first, all of the Glade was scared to hurt her, but as she grew, they began to play with her (especially Newt).

The end.

Hope it was OK. Bye.

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