Snapback Boy

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(not edited)

I looked down at my schedule completely and totally lost. I was shuffling down the hallway behind a few other kids, but not really paying attention to them. I was more focused on getting to class on time, and I was exremely nervous.

"My next class is... Language Arts." I said to myself quietly. I watched my sandals as they smacked against the smooth tile. Down the hall, counting the squares as I went.

BAM! I smacked hard into someone's back and crushed my nose. My hands immediatly flew up to my face and I took a step back, looking up at the person I just collided with.

"Ow! Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" I spewed, dropping my books on the floor in the midst of the chaos.

The person I smashed into turned around. He was tall, very tall, and brunette. His hair was long-ish and he was wearing a snapback.

He gave me a concerned look and picked my books up off the ground.

"Here, let me take that. Are you alright little lady?"

I tentatively touched my nose a few times, flinching at the sudden burst of pain.

"Yeah. I'm okay, I think..."

My gaze dropped to the floor, and my cheeks turned red, suddenly realizing what an idiot I was. How much more stupid could I get?! Why wasn't I paying attention?!

"It's not broken is it?" He asked, his concern seeming genuin.

"No, no. I better be going. Don't want to be late for class! Oh, and I'm so sorry for bumping into you. "

I took my books from his hands, and slipped past him before he could say anything else.

Wow, that was embarrasing.

I made sure to look where I was going, and made it to class just as the bell rang.

There was two empty seats left, one in the front, and one two rows back. I quickly slipped in the second one and pulled out a pen, waiting for the lecture to begin.

The professer walked in briskly and immediatly started to scrawl something across the board. He only looked a little bit older than us, and was wearing a really fancy suit.

"I, am professer Nathaniel Davis, but you can call me Nat," He paused. "Or Nathan, or Sir Davis. If you want you can even call me Dave. I probably won't respond to that but you can try it! Okay, onto today's lesson..." The professer continued to ramble on about English and I took decent notes, not wanting to fail the quiz that was coming up. I decided I was going to call him Nat, since that was what most people were calling him. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, and I was actually learning something useful.

"CLASS DISMISSED!" Nat yelled mid-sentance. I jumped in my seat, startled by his sudden outburst. Everyone immediatly started to file out of the room, and I did the same; packing up my books and sticking my pen in my back pocket.

I looked up and saw the boy I had bumped into earlier approaching me. He was still wearing his snap back, and I was suprised they didn't make him take it off.

"Hey." He said cheerily.

"Hello. Sorry for bumping into you earlier." I started walking out of the room and he followed.

"I was just coming to see if you were okay..." He said.

I looked down. "Oh er, yeah. I'm fine now..." I stuttered quietly.

"My name's Ander, by the way. Would I be correct in saying you're new here?"

I looked up at him as we strode down the hall. "Yeah, I joined kind of late in the semester I suppose... Oh and I'm Bonnie."

He shot me a half-smile and followed me out of the building.

"Let me know if you need anything Bonnie, I can show you around campus later too if you'd like."

I figured it wouldn' t be a bad idea, and the kid seemed nice enough.

"Sure." I said. "When are you available?"

"Does six work for you?"

I was suprise that he had suggested that. I was kind of implying some time in the future, but I guess today worked too.

"Yeah. I don't think I have any classes after four... so that should be good."

"Okay, meet me back here at six. See you then." He said before giving me another smile and heading off in the other direction.

I walked back to the dorms by myself with a warm feeling inside. I wasn't even afraid to meet my new roommate, in fact I was excited. And now I get to go with Ander and see the campus. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I was making it out to be in my head...


A/N - Please vote, comment, and tell your friends. I love to see the notification every time I get a comment. ;) Its motivational. Thanks


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