Rejections and Connections

18 1 0

(Not edited)

I threw my hair up and grabbed my purse on the way out the door, stopping in the bathroom to do a once over of my outfit. Lina was a fricken genious. I looked fantastic. (Not that I was dressing to impress, this isn't a date. In any way shape or form. I would NEVER do that to Niall.)

Everything that has happened today really just overwhelmed me. I moved into college, met a nice young lad, and a nice young las, watched a guy get arrested, and now I was going to spend all evening walking around campus. A pretty eventful day if I do say so myself.

I took the long way around the halls, checking out the dorms a little. Some doors were open, most closed. I still couldn't get over the fact that all the girls on my floor had to share one restroom. I hadn't even been in the stalls yet. I went over to the local Starbucks for lunch, and relieved myself there. I was going to try and avoid those nasty toilets at all costs.

I reached the lobby and saw Ander sitting in a chair off to the left, staring intently at his phone.

"Hey." I said, striding up to him.

"Hey. Ready to go?"


He locked his phone and beckoned for me to follow him outside.


"And that's the cafeteria. Though I wouldn't recommend eating the food. Most people just go there to hang with their friends."

I nodded curtly, waiting for him to move on.

"Over there," He pointed to a building down the block. It was brightly painted and lit up. "That's my hang out. You should check it out some time." I just barely caught the wink he sent me.

I nodded and shot him a smile. He motioned for me to head in the other direction. I turned on my heal and began to make my way back toward the dorm building. Ander followed close behind.


I turned to face him. He had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and was staring at his shoes.

"Do you want to grab a bite to eat some time? Like, er, I really want to get to know you better..."

The smile that had been on my face slowly fell as I realized what he was doing.

I hesitated momentarily. "Oh, Ander.... That's very sweet. I'm so sorry to refuse your offer, but, I already have a boyfriend..."

I saw the expression on his face sag and turn to a look of hurt.

"No, that's okay. I should have known someone as beautiful as you would already be taken. He's a lucky guy."

I gave him a small smile and continued walking back. 


When I returned to my room, I ran my hands through my hair before unlocking the door. I felt so bad for turning down Ander. I mean, he seemed like a very nice guy, and he was certainly good looking, but I could never do that to Niall.

I could see how Ander thought that might have been a date. He probably thought I was interested, but the truth is I never even thought about it like that. I honestly just thought he was being friendly and showing me around the campus.

I unlocked the door and walked in on Lina and a fellow I didn't recognize making out.

"Oh, hey Lina." I said casually, completely ignoring the other person. I set my purse down and grabbed my books.

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